Chapter Four

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Quick Author's note: Hey Brownies! This chapter is more of a filler since I have reached the end of my planned out chapters. I also am REALLY uncomfortable right now. I'm serious. It's hot in my room, my hands are sweaty for no apparent reason, I had to put my hair up in a pony tail and I don't usually do that (okay I do but it usually is down be cause I like the look of my scarlet hair DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME AN AVRAGE GIRL AND HER VANITY) my shoulder hurts a little because I just got back from an archery class and my cat will not SHUT UP! okay that last one is a lie. in reality she is sitting peacefully on a pillow next to me (oh how I envy the life of a cat) Well this authors note is way too long so onto the story!


After my duet with the mysterious boy I was called to wait tables. I had seen him again conversing with sir. Gray, and I pondered the two's relationship. After what seemed like an eternity of work, I finally had the night off. Love and Lucky was about to close for the night when I saw the boy, still in the back corner. Gray had left only an hour ago and I wondered about the boy, who I remembered as Natsu, and why he was still present in the bistro at this hour. The place was silent, almost all had left. Levy, Juvia, and Mirajane had returned to their respective homes to catch up on sleep and gain energy for the following day. The last of the customers left, but still Natsu stayed. Before heading upstairs for the night, I had to make sure he left, so I sleepily ambled over to him.

"Um..Natsu was it?" I yawned. "What are you still doing here?"

"Waiting for you." he replied to my surprise.

"Why exactly are you doing that?" I was somewhat touched, but most of my mind was telling me that it was a little creepy.

"Because... I need something."

"What is it?"

He sighed. "I need a place to stay for the night. I don't really have anywhere to go, and you seemed so nice so I thought I'd ask you before returning to the streets." he admitted.

I felt a stab of pity for the poor boy, He's alone on the streets? What about his family? I found myself thinking. I made the choice to ask my mother about it, though I was positive she would say yes. She may be a bit strict, but she wouldn't leave someone on the streets. Especially if he was just a boy.

"Stay right there, I'll go get my mother." I said. I ran to fetch my mother and retreated back down the stairs with her following close behind. She seemed tired. There were dark circles beneath her eyes and her wits were slower than before. I had briefly explained the situation to her and she was coming to inspect the boy before she made any decisions she would regret. Or at least that's what she told me. We reached the table where Natsu was waiting seemingly patient. But I could've sworn that before we reached the table I saw him talking to something or himself.

My mother addressed him formally, not wanting to offend the teen asking for a little help.

"What is it you need.. Natsu, was it?" She asked.

Natsu smiled a little, but it wavered a with a touch of nervousness.

"If it isn't too much to ask, I would like to stay here for a couple nights until I find some money or a place to stay." He requested. My mother seemed to mull over the pros and cons of letting a strange boy stay in our establishment. I glanced at my mother with hope filled eyes. She seemed to perk up with a little light in her eyes. I assume she had thought of an idea.

"Boy, you can stay here on one condition. You said that you needed some money and a place to stay. So I'm prepared to offer you a deal."

Natsu's eyes lit up and a wide smile had broken through his face.


"You work here at Love and Lucky, and your pay gets cut in half for residence here."

"Really? Thanks a bunch!" he blurted.

"BUT, you must be respectful and do what I tell you. You will have to call me ma'am, and be a gentleman in my home."

"Yes ma'am!" he said, a guilty look spread across his joyous face. "But I have a little bit of a condition too."

My mother raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Natsu then took off his cloak, just enough to reveal a little cat curled around his neck. My eyes widen and my girlish senses kick in causing me to let out a little squeal at the adorableness of the teen's oddly colored kitten. I looked to see my mother's decision, only to see a face completely unlike her, it was utter shock. I watched her face soften.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but he can help out around here too! He can chase the rodents away, and he doesn't cause very much harm. I can't leave him on the streets alone, he's one of the only things I have left of my father..." he started.

"Young man, your room is through that door. Just take the stairs, the guest room is at the end of the hall. I would be glad to host you and your little friend. May I ask the kitten's name?" My mother inquired.

"His name is Happy. Thank you so much for letting me stay." he said politely before heading upstairs to take a look at the place he would be staying.

I felt ecstatic as I bounded up the stairs to my room. There will finally be some change to my boring everyday life! I thought as I fell asleep. I made a new friend, we have a cute kitten in the bistro, my friends and I are trying to uncover a mystery about our unknown prince, and I don't have to worry about the father I once had a couple years back. The last thing I thought about as I drifted into sleep's welcoming darkness, was about the new person in her life. Something seemed off about him, like he was keeping a secret. Then again, we all had our secrets we want to keep hidden. Then it hit me.

Black hair doesn't suit him all that well...





Hey guys! I finished another chapter! I actually started writing this the previous day, and it would have been out sooner, but I had had a mocha earlier that day, after shooting a bow for an hour straight, after that, I had girl scouts and we had s'mores and I was just too tired to finish it. I felt guilty so it's out now. I want to know if you guys are legitimately enjoying this story so far! tell me what you think! AND PLEASE BE HONEST WITH ME! you know the whole drill, like, vote, share, blah blah blah... and I know I say it every time but I just want you know that it REALLY means a lot to me when you read and give feedback. Also, tell me what you think will happen in upcoming chapters! well that's all for right now! ByeBye Brownies!

From your official Nut...Meg!

Word count: 1257

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