The signs as South park quotes

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Aries- "I'm not fat, i'm big-boned."; Cartman

Taurus- "We're guys, dude. We find something about all our friends to rip on. We made fun of you for being rich for the same reason we rip on Butters for being wimpy."; Kyle

Gemini- "But what if I'm trying to put on the nose, the snowman comes alive and tries to kill me?"; Tweek

Cancer- "Oh my god, you killed Kenny!"; Stan

Leo- "We're not getting on, you fat ugly bitch."; Stan

Virgo- "I'm not fat, I just haven't grown into my body yet you skinny bitch."; Cartman

Libra- "Oh my God, I found a penny."; That random ass man after the crown tramples Kenny.

Scorpio- "Mmmmf mmmf mmmmmf mmmmmmm mmmmf mmmmf mmmmmmmmf mmmf."; Kenny

Sagittarius- "Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! Yummy!"; Cartman

Capricorn- "Why don't we all sing, "Kyle's Mom is a Stupid Bitch" in D-minor?"; Cartman

Aquarius- "Don't worry, Tweek. Your family can go on welfare. Kenny's family's on welfare and they're happy, isn't that right, Kenny?"; Cartman

Pisces- "Ah, who cares? He dies every episode."; Jay Leno

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