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"How many girlfriends do you have?", Emma asks Milo, trying not to laugh as she scrolls through a mortal website called 'Tumblr' that was full of girls talking about being in love with their boyfriend, Milo the tall dark handsome ghost boy. He eyes her warily. "That's a loaded question..... How many do you know about?", he asks in return. She takes a deep breath, "Let's see, there's that girl in Illinois, the one in California, the red head from Virginia, the blonde from Texas, one in Louisiana, one in France, for some reason, and that one girl-", "Okay, okay!", he interrupts, laughing. "What can I say? I'm charming.", he says cockily. "Mhm, you're about as charming as a rat in a dress is a supermodel.", Emma replies, unimpressed. "And that list doesn't even include your various boyfriends....", she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Oh come on, I'm an immortal teenage boy, did you really expect me not to go all Twilight? I mean, hundreds of cute girls and boys who are easily infatuated with me, plus good looks that will never fade.... Do the math, snowflake.", he smirks.
"I hate to say it churchboy, but you are a floozy.", she teases. "Oh, like you're any better?", he raises an eyebrow. "I- That was ONE TIME, Milo, let it go.", she shakes her head, remembering the boy Milo was referring to, the one she had flirted heavily with and almost kissed when the kids were all supposed to be watching the newest victim family. None of them would let her forget about it, especially Milo, though she suspected a little bit of jealousy in his endless teasing about the incident. "It may have been one time, but you would've done it again.", he narrows his eyebrows.

"Why, does that bother you? Would you rather me not flirt with anyone at all? Would you prefer I stay by your side or with Dad at all times and never ever even think about kissing anybody ever? It's fine for you to have like three-hundred teenagers convinced you are deeply and forever in love with them, sure, but I can't even look at a boy?", Emma asks, her friendly teasing quickly turning into upset. "No.", he says quietly. "No what, Milo?", she questions angrily. "No, I don't want you to not flirt, or kiss, just...", he pauses. "What?", she asks, exasperated. "Just.... Not other people! Just me! Okay?!", Milo bursts out. "I just don't like that you almost kissed that guy you barely knew when we were supposed to be working, but you just treat me like a brother even though you've known me for years! I just don't get it Emma, and yeah, ok, I'm jealous!", he says, with the emotion of someone getting something off their chest that's been hidden fit a long time. "I-", he starts again, thinks better of it, and suddenly kisses her, pulling her towards him. She looks surprised, and then sinks into the kiss, closing her eyes. When they pull away from each other, the anger dissolves, and Emma smirks. "What are we gonna tell all your girlfriends?", she asks quietly. He just laughs, and shakes his head. Even at a time like this, she managed to find a way to tease him. "I know, Milo. I like you too.", she smiles.

AN: I like Memma/Ice Cream Sunday platonically better than as a couple, but here's one with them as a little more than just friends. 😊 As always, tell me what you think!
Thanks for reading,
- Lionisfree

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