Chapter 4

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I glanced around the quiet coffee shop. I didn't see him yet. He did say 12:30, right? At Kaffeine? Kaffeine was the cute little coffee and pastry shop just a few blocks from my aunt's place. I had gotten up this morning exhausted and ended up throwing on a pair of cuffed skinny jeans, an old Nirvana t-shirt, and my black Vans. My hair was messily woven into a loose single braid that hung nearly to the small of my back. I anxiously waited 5 more minutes before I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and squeeze me tightly. I smiled hugely and turned around, mid hug and squeezed him back.

"Louis!" I shouted, disturbing the quiet peace among the few people in the coffeehouse.

After reading the text I had received from him yesterday while watching my movie we texted back and forth for awhile. We ended up making plans to meet at Kaffeine and catch up.

"Amanda! You look so...different." Louis said, almost questioningly.

"And is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked, accusingly. I cracked a smile at him.

"I meant you look incredible" Louis said, a hint of pink rose in his cheeks.

"Thanks" I smiled at him and I felt my cheeks get hot too. This shouldn't be happening. I've known Louis since we were young enough to take baths together. Now we're both blushing at stupid compliments. "Eh, you just haven't talked in awhile. It'll be just like old times before you know it." I assured myself in my head.

"So let's sit down and order something." Louis suggested.

He lead the way to a two-person table in the corner of the shop. A young waitress came to take our orders. We ordered the same thing - we had similar taste in food - and watched the waitress walk away. I think we were both afraid the other would talk, yet neither of us did. Louis broke the silence.

"So what have you been up to?" He asked.

"Lou, you know I hate generic questions. Now ask me a good one." I smiled.

"Alright, uh, what classes did you take in high school?"

"Uh, you know, normal high school classes, physics, some engineering shops."


"Yea, I'm interested in being computer engineering."

"Wow, so ambitious!" Louis laughed.

"Hah, what are you talking about?"

"You used to want to be like a writer or something. Engineering is a completely different subject."

"Well I've changed a lot since I was 13"

"Ok you have a point. I guess neither of us expected I'd be where I am now."

"Exactly! Why are we talking about me when you've been like around the world!"

"Well, it has been pretty fun" he smiled at me smugly.

"Ok well what your favorite country to visit?"

He sighed, over-dramatically. "Hmm that's a tough one" he dragged out his sentence, thinking of an answer. "I did really enjoy France. I love Australia though. America wasn't bad. I don't know! I've loved all the places we've gone!"

We talked for around half an hour, just catching each other up on everything that's happened since I moved away. We chatted about school, the X Factor, my sister, his band mates. It was all of the normal things I expected we'd talk about. It felt so great to be talking to Louis again just like we had before I'd moved to the United States.

**Louis's P.O.V.**

I had one word to describe Amanda. Wow.

She was incredible. She was beautiful. She had apologized for looking like shit because she was so tired this morning but I thought she looked amazing. I couldn't believe she was the same girl I had been best friends with. "Stop it! You cannot have these feelings for her! She was your best friend!" I scolded myself.

My phone buzzed on the table and we both jumped a little. I looked up at Amanda and we both started laughing at each other for jumping at the sound. I opened the text from Liam that read: where are you?? did you forget that we're having our FIFA tournament today?

"Ah shit" I mumbled under my breath.

"Whats wrong?" Amanda asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Oh, you heard that?" I asked, embarrassed.

"Yea, what's wrong Louis?" she asked again.

"It's nothing. Really."

"Louis, seriously? Just tell me." she pleaded. Dammit, why was she so adorable?

"It's nothing, I was just supposed to hang out with the guys to play FIFA today. It's no big deal though."

"Aw! Louis! You should've said something! We could have met up any day. I don't know anyone here so I won't ever have plans."

"Hey, it's fine. Seeing you again was more important. I haven't seen you in years. I spend every day with them."

"I still feel bad though."

"Hey! How about you come over and play with us?! Then I'll get to hang out with the guys and still be with you!"

"Louis, I don't know. What if they don't want me to be there. They probably just wanted a day to hang with you."

"Trust me, they'll like you. They'd be crazy not to."

"Louis, I just don't think I should. Let's just make plans to hang out again when you don't have plans already."

"Amanda, pleaseee"

I stuck my bottom lip out and made my best sad-face.

Amanda sighed and said "Lou, I don't know." She looked conflicted.

"Look, I wanted you to meet the guys anyway. This way they won't know you're coming and you'll actually get to meet them instead of them acting different if they knew you were coming."

"Dammit Louis, why do you have to make such good points"

"So you'll come?!"

"Fine, but if they don't want me there, I'm leaving."

"Say what you want but they'll love you."

**Amanda's P.O.V.**

Louis told me that we could walk if I wanted to or we could call to get a car to pick us up. I told him we could walk.

So we walked and talked all the way to his flat. We never ran out of things to talk about. I mean, we haven't seen each other in so long we have more than enough to talk about. When we got to the lobby of his very impressive flat Louis brushed past the front desk and led me to the elevator. He pressed a button and we were soon stepping out of the elevator into the penthouse. I was amazed by how expensive and fancy everything looked just in the hallway outside his door. "Amanda?" I was still staring at everything in the hallway when Louis called my name from inside the flat. "Well that's embarrassing." I thought. My face felt hot and I knew it would be red. Once my face was back to it's normal color I walked slowly through the doorway. Louis, who was still standing by open door, simply smiled at me and motioned for me to look at the rest of the room. I took in the open, bright room with all of its modern-looking furniture. I didn't even notice the four other boys scattered throughout the room; each of them sitting on a different couch or chair. They greeted me all together with a loud "Hello!" I laughed quietly and turned to look at Louis. He led me to one of the couches and we sat down. "Maybe this will be kinda fun" I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2013 ⏰

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