My poor little angel

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Heya guys, So I stink at writing. :) I get bored easily so unless there are a lot of people who'd like me to continue this story, don't expect it to be up long. I have another story on wattpad... it's called Raising Your Sister Isn't Easy... but I couldn't decide where to take it. So I hope you enjoy. :P

By the way it's dedicated to xisentmylovex, because she is a great writer and you must check her out. Love you! :)


“Let me do what I want, I’m perfectly capable of making my own decisions!” I scream.

“Since when!?” My mother yells back.

“Since I got pregnant!!”

“Get the hell out of my car you little slut!”

My mother pulls to the curb and I get out. As I was about to grab my three beautiful babies she pulls off. “Give me my kids before I call the police!” I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone and dial 911. While I’m on the phone with the lady a boy who looks to be about 19 walks by and stands right next to me. I kindly say good bye to the women and turn toward the guy. “May I help you?” I asked sounding slightly annoyed.

“Well I was a witness to the scene, so um… I have to stay until the police show up.” He says in a voice that made my heart melt.

“Oh, well thanks for making this a bit easier, then. What’s your name if you don’t mind by my asking?”

“I’m Austin. Yourself?”

“Aliza-Payton. Sorry for having you wait here, I’m sure you have somewhere else to be.”

“It’s fine, I was just going for a walk with no particular destination. Do you mind telling me who was that woman and you were arguing, and why she took your children?”

“That woman is my mother, and she took my kids because she thinks she can raise them better than I can. I had told her that I was going to dye my hair black, but she told me that I was stupid and that dying my hair is just another way for me of getting attention. And that a 15 year old with 3 kids doesn’t need any more attention than what she already has.”

“You’re only 15?”

“Yup, and before you say anything about me being a whore… that’s not the case. I was raped on my 14th birthday while coming home from school that day. My mother just never believed my so called story and started calling me a whore and a slut. That’s why I have 3 kids. That bastard that raped me gave me triplets, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world. God gave them to me for a reason and I am just praying that He soon tells me that reason.”

“Well I wasn’t going to say you were a whore, I was just so surprised that you were 15 because you look so mature for you age.”

“Oh, well thank you then. How old are you?”

“I just turned 19 today.”

“Oh, well Happy Birthday then, Austin. Sorry for bringing such a downer on a special day.”

“It’s not a problem; I am actually enjoying this, finally some excitement in my life.”

“Haha, if you say so.” I say as I see the police driving towards us.

As soon as the police car stops next to us I can see my darling children in the back seat. I quickly open the door and take each carseat out gently but quickly. Austin takes each car seat from my hand and sets it on the ground lining them up.

My babies are very important to me. They are my reason to waking up in the morning. I’m not going to be one of those moms who can’t give their baby what they want. I have been raising my self and my little sister for 5 years. Suprisingly the triplets were easier. The only problem I have ever encountered was my poor youngest daughter, Cadi. Cadi was born 3lbs and 7oz. She stayed in an inqubator for almost 2 months. I wasn’t allowed to take her home until she weighed like a healthy baby. My oldest Rayne weighed 9lbs and 12oz. He was my big boy. I knew the moment Cadi was born that her big brother was going to watch out for her. My middle child is Cali. She weighed 7lbs and 5oz. They worried about her being too little but she gained weight much faster than Cadi. The triplets are now 10 months old… and Cadi only looks to be 4 months old. I guess she will forever look younger than her brother and sister, but she still acted as if she was one. She was my worry in life.

After lining them all up, Austin seemed to be talking.

“Pardon me?” I say.

He repeats himself, “I thought they were triplets, this one here seems so young compared to the other two.”

“Oh, she had some difficulties when she was born. She’s doing a lot better now though.”

“Well that’s good, so where are they going to stay if you don’t have a home?”

“I can stay at a homeless shelter, it will work…”

“I won’t ever let you do that,” He says while grabbing Cali and Rayne, “ You will stay at my apartment. And that’s final.”

My poor little angelWhere stories live. Discover now