The Bet

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As Alfred walked into the Great Hall with his best friend Matthias he noticed the school was not as filled as normal most young wizards parents were scared to send there children to Hogwarts this year because of you know who, so only half of the normal amount of people are here.

He took a seat at the Gryffindor table and watched as 12 first years were sorted. There were four Gryffindor, four Slytherin, three Ravenclaws, and one Hufflepuff.

He was a bit glad that there was only four first years to show around as head of house it made his job a lot easier and he already had enough things to deal with.

He also noticed something else there was a new teacher sitting at the staff table. "He pokes Matthias do you know who the new teacher is?"

He looks back at him "um according to Lukas he is the new DADA teacher poor guy nobody ever lasts with that job".

"Well I hope he stays around he looks interesting. Also he is handsome as hell he smirks I'm gonna get him to fall for me".

"He eyes widen dude don't be gross your 16 and he's in his twenties there is no was he's gonna fall for you."

"He has to be in his early twenties because he is young and besides Matthias, age is just a number and I'll be 17 soon enough".

"Don't get your hopes up he's probably not gay and why can't you like simple people that are your age like Liam or Vlad?"

"We both know Liam is like a brother to me and Vlad is in love already and with an ass like that teacher has to be gay. I say we should make a bet."

"Depends what's the bet, and what will I win?"

"I bet I can get him to have sex with me by the end of the year and if I don't then you can make me go out with Liam but if I win you have to give up on your obsession with Lukas and try for Vlad."

"Fine I'll take this bet only because I know I will win. Also Lukas is in love with me!"

"You snuck into the Ravenclaw house last year and he hexed you into a rat and tried to step on you."

"That's just how he shows his love for me and that's the point! I accept this stupid bet and your gonna lose."

He shakes Alfred hand "this bet is on".

Dumbledore arose from his seat. "Hello everyone he says welcome all who are new and welcome to those who have returned. The rules are the same as last year as for the first years for your own safety stay out of the forbidden forest also no going out past cerfew if you do it will result in detention and loss of house points. I am assuming you have noticed that there is a new teacher here this year this is Mr.Kirkland he is the new potions teacher and Slytherin head of house."

Alfred mouth dropped "this is just great now this just got a lot harder he puts his face on the table and sighs well so much for him being the DADA teacher."

Matthias laughs hardly "seems Lukas was wrong he smirks well seems like your gonna be a snake charmer good luck. "

Alfred looked up as Dumbledore talked again. "Everyone will give him your out right respect. I hope everyone enjoys the year, let the feast begin."

Both of them ate there food and then Matthias went to the  Gryffindor house and Alfred showed the first years around and took them to there rooms.

Alfred walked into his room and sat on his bed he looked at his roommates Matthias a Danish boy that is a 7th year like him and his best friend. A Irish boy named Liam who is like a brother to him but Matthias wants him to date and is a forth year. Then there is Peter a second year that hangs out with him because he thinks it makes him stronger.

Matthias snickers at him "I'm going to with this bet."

"No your not he lays down I have a plan to tame that snake" he goes to bed.

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