Chapter 8

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"Kathrine!" Mrs. Jacobs hugged me, hurting my arm. The lights gave me a headache that reminded me of the feeling of flight. I don't think I'll be able to jump ever again.

"Mom, you're going to kill her. The trials did a number on her." Horatio told her, biting his lip.

"Oh," my old teacher let go of me and examined my various wounds, "and you lost your glasses."

"Yeah, and my contacts, and I almost got outwitted by a dragon who doesn't even have organs. Way to make me feel stupid guys. Is this something you do to all your guests?" I waited for them to answer. Mrs. Jacobs pursed her lips and left the room, heading upstairs while Horatio and I were in the book store. "Really nice thing to do. Surprise, you have a brother, your mom isn't who she said she was, you can calm down a werewolf, which, by the way, is nothing like I've ever done. Then, since you're too cool for them, you have to go through these rooms and get keys while you fight these creatures that are all trying to kill you! Then, you are exhausted, you lost your glasses," I gestured to my blurry eyes, "got thrown at a wall," Here, I tapped my head, "had an awsag-"

"Aswang," Horatio corrected me quietly.

"Whatever! She scratched me, so now these clothes are ruined, and my arm is totally not okay. Then, you have to answer this riddle, and if you mess up, then you have to go through the WHOLE thing again. You finally get out, and the one kid who can make any sense of this, the one kid who warned you to run before this all happened, isn't even there for the welcoming committee. Just a liar and this bookworm." I fumed, sitting down in a chair angrily.

"I'm sorry." Horatio said quietly. He sat before me, looking at me as if he had been the one going through this.

"Save it, I'm sick of the Jacobs right now." I snarled, feeling quite like Caleb at that moment.

"Yeah, well, you haven't been the one that had to take care of Richard all night. Idiot finally gave up trying to break down the door a few minutes ago, and had taken up calling me the fool," he shook his head, "little brothers can be so naive."

"Holinear thought we were dating," I said, leaning back and closing my eyes, "not you and me, but me and Richard."

"I knew what you meant," Horatio told me laughing, "you want to go to your room?"

"I have a room?" I asked, opening my eyes and finding Horatio playing with my bangs. "Does that entertain you?"

"Yes it does. Besides, you look like you need some rest. You look awful." Horatio told me.

"That explains why you have no girlfriend." I yawned in the middle of my sentence, taking the wit and making it sound ridiculous. In response, Horatio beckoned and led me up the stairs to the first room on the left.

"There you are, now go to sleep. We'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Assuming no Aswangs try to kill me or something." I stepped into the room, turning around just in time to see him roll his eyes at me.

"Enra is locked up downstairs! You'll be fine, just go to sleep." Horatio replied, annoyed, but smiling, and closed the door in my face. I turned around to find a small bedroom. Blue, white, and silver colors were splashed across the room, but I was too tired to investigate anything other than the bed. I crawled under the covers, trying to fall asleep.

As my mind is accustomed to doing, it chose that moment to remind me that I was bleeding. Lazily, I got out of bed and found an empty dresser with a nightgown on it that was a little too big for me, so it fell off one shoulder. However, the only thing I found that could stop the bleeding was a scarf. I tied it over the scratches on my arm, creating a tourniquet of sorts. However useful to me, it was only temporary. I would need help from someone else, but I didn't know where any of them were. Frustrated with my luck, I opened my door and knocked on the one across from mine, waiting for it to open, but not to see who it was before starting.

"Can you help me?" I asked him pitifully, holding out my arm.

"That depends," Caleb muttered, "can you help me?"

"I suppose that seems like a good trade. What do you need?" He opened the door wider and let me into his room. I turned around just in time to see his knees give out.

"I'm fine! I'm fine! Geez, you're worse than my mother!" Caleb insisted, brushing off my help and stumbling over to his bed. He looked sick, even paler than before.

"So, you need my help why? I mean, if you're fine, then why should you need me?" I asked, awkwardly fixing my nightgown.

"Never mind that, there's a first aid thing in the dresser." He gestured towards the drawer. After retrieving it, he removed the bloody scarf and got out some gauze, alcohol wipes, and tape. Caleb helped to dress the wounds on my back, and I only had to smack him for making a risky comment once.

"Thanks," I said, getting up and walking over to the door, "goodnight."

"Hey, can you promise me something? It isn't something dumb." He asked, the words pouring out as if he had been reluctant to say them. I nodded, so he continued, "if any of my brothers are rude to you, tell me, unless it's Richard. He expresses love through teasing and being annoying."

"I heard that!" Came a sharp reply through the wall, which must have been the named brother himself. Caleb just rolled his eyes. I nodded, so as to prevent any misunderstanding or overhearing.

"Well, goodnight, I guess." I said before returning to my room, leaving the brothers to an argument that had started to ensue between the two youngest. Despite the noise, I again crawled into bed, only this time, sleep made my eyes heavy, and I soon drifted off.

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