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A loud buzzing startled me and I shot up from my bed, panting. I looked around to see I was back in my room. 'Was that all a dream?' I asked myself, trying to remember everything that happened. I shook it off, getting out of bed and getting ready for school.
"(Y/N)! I'm here!"
Oh, (F/N) is here already. I didn't even realise..I'm really off today.
I walked downstairs and grabbed my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder.
"Hey, what's up? You seem kinda down." (F/N) asked, they always know when something is up.
"I'm fine, just didn't get much sleep." I lied.
"Oh, how come? That's not like you."
"I was reading a book, I got distracted and lost track of time." I lied again.
"Now that's understandable! Well let's go! Bye other parents!" (F/N) usually refers my parents to theirs too, because they basically act like it anyway.
We left to walk to school, I felt like I was going to pass out. I didn't want to see him, but I did. For once, I didn't want to go into school. My mind was telling me to run and not stop until I reach the middle of nowhere. If I didn't have my future holding me back from doing that, I'd be dashing far from where I am now. I looked up and saw the school gates, rolling my eyes. This really is not going to be a good day. And recently, my feelings have been accurate.
There was another 30 minutes until school started, so I just sat in the main hall and read the book I lied about reading last night. Voices were chattering behind me, out of curiosity I turned to check out who it was. It was Jungkook and another kid, with bright orange hair.
"I don't know where he is, Jimin. I'm getting really worried. He didn't reply to my text last night. The last time he got this way was when him and that girl broke up a few months ago." Jungkook spoke quietly but I could still hear him, that boy needs to learn how to whisper.
"I dunno, Jungkook. Maybe he's just sick and doesn't have the energy to reply." The other boy tried to reassure the taller teen, patting his back.
"But Jimin, look at his last text to me. It literally just says, '(Y/N)'. Who is (Y/N)? I would suspect that it would've been his girlfriend, but he's dating Hannah at the minute right?"
"Nah, he told me they broke up because he said he wanted to get someone else back. An ex or somethin', I wasn't really paying attention." Jimin ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "Sometimes he talks some real bullshit, so I taught myself how to zone out of his conversations."
I stood up, walking over to the two boys without fear. "Excuse me." I interrupted them, glaring at them. I saw Jimin's eyes glancing over me, the corners of his mouth turning into a grin. "What can I help you with, miss?"
"It's about Taehyung. That girl he mention is m-.." I paused for a minute. It's better not to reveal myself.
" sister. What was he saying about her?"
"Oh, (Y/N)?" Jungkook butted in, his caring smile showing, "He didn't say much, all he said was her name and 'I need her back, what am I without her?' Tae can get really dramatic at times, he's probably just mourning over another celebrity crush."
"No, that's definitely my sister. She snuck out last night and took my parents car. Do you know of Taehyung's whereabouts?"
"Not that I know of. Although, I'll get back to you if anything happens. Good luck with your sister." Jungkook shook my hand, that smile never fading. How could someone as careless as Kim Taehyung, the ultimate pretty boy of the school, have a friend like Jungkook? Maybe they were friends before he became so rebellious towards everything.
As I walked off, a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned to see Jimin staring at me, his jaw almost on the ground. "H-Hey, are you free tonight? You seem really nice." He smiled, not letting go of my wrist.
"I'm sorry, but I have things to do, people to find. I'll talk to you some other time. Also close your mouth, you're catching flies." I laughed, managing to get my wrist out of his grip and walking away from him
"Ah, call me sometime! Please!" I heard him call after me, good thing I didn't have the guys number. I felt bad for him, he might not be what everyone makes him out to be. A playboy. Although, that's not what's important right now.
I have to find Taehyung.

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