Chapter 6:1

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Avery stepped away from me and followed the other Family Heads into the trees. An anticipation had gathered in the crowd behind me, a collective hush over all the members of the Manser family.

Mom came up to stand next to me, gently taking the ribbon from my hands and folding it without undoing the knot.

"How long-" I started to ask, but talking at the moment felt wrong.

She shrugged. "With your father it was only a few minutes, but from what he's told me it can take all day. It seems to depend on the family." Mom kept her voice low, and she glanced at the others standing between us and the house. All the Mansers stood still, staring into the trees like they were in a trance.

"What's happening?" I'd never seen anything like it.

Liam answered, "It's a calling. It reaches out to all those with the Manser blood in their veins. The Heads of the Family do more than just lead us, they tie us together as a whole. Right now, they're helping Avery establish a new connection with each and every Manser out in the world."

My eyes widened at that thought, but I thought of what would happen when it was my turn. From what I'd gathered between Poe and the books from the old house, I would be the next Reinhardt Family Head, and I would go through the same ceremony of connecting myself to the remaining Reinhardts. Would I be able to find them all that way? Would I be the one to bring them back together after all this time? Would they even know how important they were to the Necromantic community?

My head spun with questions, and for a moment I felt completely overwhelmed by the responsibility laying before me. Could I really be someone so important?

The trance broke over the Manser family. They moved, blinked, and stretched, and moments later Avery and the other family Heads appeared, walking out from the trees.

A cheer swept up and everyone rushed forward to greet their new leader. Mom and I, and the other non-Mansers hung back, watching as the somber mood turned joyous and festive.

The party lasted all day. Grills, smokers, and fire pits were lit, music was danced to, and for the most part, everyone was relaxed. As the sun sank lower in the sky late that afternoon, I slipped away to my room. I changed quickly into some dark washed jeans, a black t-shirt, and hoodie. I grabbed my messenger bag and stuffed it with a change of clothes and my phone before heading out to my car parked out front. Dodging Avery's family and mine wasn't the easiest feat, but most of the party was still in the backyard.

I popped open the trunk and grabbed the first aid kit and the flashlight. I paused then, seeing all the books from the Reinhardt house. I hesitated, debating with myself. It was just a quick trip out and back and I probably wouldn't have a chance to read at all. But still, the idea of taking one along plagued me. I opened a few, skimming quickly through the pages and settled on one that looked like it was full of incantations. I shoved it in my bag, immediately more comfortable knowing I had it with me.

But something was still missing. I couldn't think of what else might be handy to have, though. It wasn't like I did this sort of thing all the time.

I walked the long way around the house instead of heading back in. I was in the clear now, and didn't want to get stuck in a conversation about my plans for the future by one of Avery's well-meaning aunts.

Dusk had fallen, and only a slight glow sat on the horizon as a cold, spring breeze picked up enough to rustle the leaves. I came through the trees to the clearing and tossed my bag to the ground. Liam was already there, standing near the altar with his own backpack slung across his shoulders.

"I still think this is a bad idea," he said solemnly.

I didn't answer. When he got into a mood, it was best just to leave him alone. At least he was still coming with us and hadn't ratted me and Avery out to our parents.

Poe drifted down from the trees, landing lightly on my shoulder. There was just enough light from the half-full moon to see Liam's expression become cautious.

Steps sounded behind us, and I turned to see Avery come into the clearing.

She looked nervous and shaken. "Everyone ready?"

"Are you?" Liam quipped.

Poe left my shoulder to shift forms and stand in front of us. The wind caught his dark coat and lank hair, almost as if in a weak attempt to rip them from him.

"We stay together," he said, looking at each of us in turn. "Once we're through, I won't be able to talk to you. See what you can, and when you're ready, I'll create another portal to bring you back. Don't take any unnecessary risks. Not for this."

Avery and I nodded as Poe turned his back on us and lifted his hands up, palms out.

I felt as he reached for his power, my own bubbling up in response. I had to focus to keep it from overpowering my control.

The wind picked up as Poe started the incantation and whipped around him like a small dust devil, blowing twigs and debris outwards. When his voice rose an octave higher, a summoning circle appeared, but it wasn't like when I used my Talent. It grew out from a pinpoint, slowly, as if Poe's incantation had to coax it into existence. It was also vertical, parallel a few inches from Poe's outstretched palms.

The summoning circle spun slowly, then wildly as Poe's voice sped up. When it shrank in on itself, something very different happened afterward. Instead of exploding out in a burst of light, the point grew, agonizingly slow, into an oblong opening showing a moonlit beach.

"I can't hold this forever," Poe growled.

After a brief glance at Avery, I picked up my bag and shouldered it. Liam stepped up behind Poe and looked back at us.

"I'll go through, count to five and follow." He didn't wait for a response, only turned and walked through the portal like it wasn't a huge deal.

Me? I was a little nervous. The last time I faced one of these, I'd fought for my life and barely made it out.

Trepidation must have shown on my face, because the next thing I knew, Avery grabbed my hand and pulled me into the portal.


Thank you all for reading and a being patient with my slow updates. I've a lot going on in my life at the moment that's keeping me away from the keyboard, so finding time to make edits and write the last few chapters of this story is difficult.  I'll be posting a new blog soon with all the fun news and updated schedules soon. 

Until then, it's nap time.

Until then, it's nap time

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