we go home

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when you and me  went home we i never knew someone like you would come in my life.

Me: hey um

You: yes? Jane

Me: oh nothing?

You: just tell me?

Me: okay ummm.

You: will you  marry me?

Me:oh umm yes!

as you and Jane ran to the bed room slender man stop't you and took Jane from you.

Slender man: Jane!

Me: sorry Slender man what is it?

Slender man: Jeff needs to talk to you

Me: but

Slender man: NOW!!!!

you look at Jane as she left you. you followed Jane but all she did was tell you to meet her at the tree over the river as you look and said yes you ran off not thinking what you did or said to her.

Jane the killer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now