Chapter three: Breakfast, Explainations & Abilities What?!?!?!

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Bree's POV

*The Next Morning*

Opening my eyes I groaned as a beam of sunlight shown through the balcony door blinds and in to my eyes. Squinting slightly I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. ' Well looks like Liam brought me upstairs last night' I thought while swinging my legs over the side of my bed. Standing up quickly only to go crumpling to the ground seconds later. Oh yeah that's right I sprained my ankle yesterday. Great, now I'm stuck here until someone decides to come get me. Letting out a huff of annoyance I tried to stand myself back up, failing miserably and tumbling to the ground again with a thump. My bedroom door was flung open seconds later revealing a very concerned looking Louis.

''Are you alright love?'' he asked taking in my situation a wide grin spread across his face as he tried to hide his laughter, as he'd realized what had gone on before he burst in.

'' Yes just help me up!'' I snapped not in the mood to be laughed at.

Louis shook his head still smirking as he picked me up under the armpits. Carefully he leaned me up against him, wrapping one arm around my waist to steady me even more.

'' Do you want breakfast? We have some ready for you downstairs.''

I nodded in response.

Limping beside him slowly as we made our way down the hall. As we reached the stairs I sceptically looked up at Louis questioning his sanity. If I went down those stairs I'd probably break my neck. Chuckling slightly Louis scooped me up in to his arms with ease carrying me as if I weighed nothing down the stairs, through the living room and in to a kitchen. Looking around I noticed all the other boys except Harry seated at a wooden table. Once me and Louis entered the kitchen fully their conversations stopped. They all made eye contact with me grinning as if I was the best thing in the world to them.

'' Good morning!'' they all chirped at once.


Louis sat me in one of the empty chairs turning over to Harry to help him with breakfast. Moments later I was presented with a plate. Piled high on it was bacon, eggs, hash browns, sausages, waffles and a bagel. I looked at it in shock did they expect me to eat all this, are they nuts! Harry saw my expression and started to laugh along with the other boys.

'' We didn't know what you liked so we made you a little of everything you don't have to eat it all love.'' Harry said chuckling at the end of his sentence.

'' Thanks it smells really, really good.'' I responded while scooping a mouthful of hash browns in to my mouth.

As the smells invaded my nostrils and the tastes erupted on my taste buds I hadn't even noticed that I'd eaten more than a quarter of the huge plate in only around 10 minutes. The boys stared at me with mouths a gape as I continued to shovel food in to my mouth.

''Slow down love or you'll choke.'' Niall said while still laughing slightly.

My face heated up as my cheeks tinted a light pink in embarrassment. I looked down quickly avoiding the boys gazes.

''Nothing to be ashamed of Bree having an appetite is a good thing.'' reassured Zayn tilting my chin up so I met his eyes.

'' How do you know my name!?!''

Zayn just sighed turning to Liam for guidance.

'' Looks like we have some explaining to do boys. Lets move to the living to talk.''

All of the boys got up pushing their chairs in and heading out the door and in to the living room as Liam ordered. I just sat there waiting for someone to notice that I still couldn't walk by myself yet. Seconds later Niall came sprinting in to the kitchen.

'' Sorry for leaving ya here.''

'' It's fine.'' I responded quietly as he scooped me in to his cool arms carrying me quickly out of the kitchen.

When we reached the living room Niall sat down on the couch pulling me in to his lap. Still not completely comfortable with him after his eagerness to ''eat'' me, I sat rigidly playing with my hands nervously. Suddenly though I felt a wave of complete calm and safety wash over me. Looking up I saw Louis give me a small smile and a wink from his seat across form me. More confused then ever I turned to Liam for an explanation. Sighing slightly Liam then started to speak.

''Well Bree I guess we owe you an explain-.''

'' How do you know my name?'' I asked for the second time today, cutting him off mid sentence.

'' That's what I'm getting to. You see Bree we've known you since the day you were born.''

I opened my moth to speak only to have Liam cut me off this time.

'' Save all questions to the end please.'' he said calmly continuing from where he left off last.

'' As I was saying, we've known you since you were born Bree. We were always there protecting you from danger, keeping you safe even if you couldn't see us. We watched you grow and learn waiting for the day we'd take you for our own. We planed on taking you on your 19th birthday but as you can clearly see things didn't work out as planned and here we are today.'' Liam finished

''Any questions?''

'' Yeah tons.'' I replied

''Alright ask away.''

'' First off why did I feel so calm and safe earlier when I really was uncomfortable?''

'' Well you see we all have special abilities one of the perks of being a vampire I guess you could say. Mines healing people.'' Liam said pride showing in his words.

'' Healing people , if you could do that why didn't you use it on me when I hurt my ankle and had those cuts?'' I asked.

''Because Bree we didn't want to scare you anymore the you already were.'' was Liam's simple response.

''Ok.... what's everyone else's abilities?''

''I can feel and manipulate peoples emotions.'' replied Louis.

'' I can read minds.'' said Niall his breath tickling the back of my neck as he spoke.

'' I can cause pain.'' Harry mumbled as if hoping I wouldn't hear.

Note to self to get Harry pissed off, ever. Zayn spoke last.

'' My ability is creating barriers to protect people from physical and or mental attacks.''

'' Cool. But what I don't get is why I'm so important to you guys in the first place?''

'' Well er uh you see Liam you take this one.'' stuttered Niall.

''Umm you see Bree your our mate, our soul mate.'' Liam said calmly and slowly as if it was no big deal and telling someone you were their mate happened everyday.

My head spun. Know me since I was born, always there, abilities, mate what!!!!!







vicky_loves_1D Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2013 ⏰

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