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This story will be in Annies POV and only Annies POV unless I change it..


Annies POV:

My eyes flutter open as I am unaware of my surroundings. I then laugh and remember I'm in my house which was shared with Katie. It still amazes me that my parents even let me move out at such a young age. Even though I moved two months ago It still takes me by surprise.

"Aaaaaannie." I hear Katie say as she opens my bedroom door. She has her laptop in hand which means she has something to show me.

She plops beside me on my bed and shows me an email from a TV show called 'Stuck Together.' I turn my head towards her but not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Dear Katie, We loved the interview paper you filled out for you and your friend Julianna." I start.

 "For this reality TV show it is an ultimate test of how well people live together and how well everyone can get along. It will be a drama filled environment and we need the right people for it. As of the time you get this email you and your friend are officially casted on the show. More info will be further down in this email." I read the email aloud and by the end my jaw was on the floor.

"You signed us up for a reality show?!" I scream and cock my head in her direction.

"Yes I did. Now we have a few days before filming, we need to send them a list of groceries we would like to have in the house considering we're gonna live there for 8 weeks." She says and at this point i'm looking at her like she has absolutely lost her mind. 

"8 WEEKS! Are you absolutely insane! You want to live in a house with 5 strangers for 8 weeks?!" My jaw is on the ground. 

"It'll be fun, Filming is in California in a pretty mansion. Don't you want to live in a pretty mansion?" She pouts.

"We do live in a pretty mansion!" I spit out in disbelief. I can't believe she did this.

"Well are you in or not?" She pouts again.

"If I get killed in my sleep i'm haunting you forever." She smiles and hugs me.

"Pack!" She says as she walks out of my room. What the hell has she gotten me into. I can't believe I have to live in a house with 5 strangers for 8 weeks.


I just started writing and already hate it.

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