Driven to Distraction

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hey guys this the beginning of a romance/blaze story i had to write for my english essay, so i thought i would putt it up for you guys and see what u think of it and if i get lots of COMMENTS, VOTES and FANS, i might consider writing a story out of it

here you go, enjoy!!!!!!

Jennifer xo xo


Emily Fall sauntered to the elevator while her red wedge heels clacked on the fine polished marble floor. As soon a she had entered the 50 story building of Ferrari’s automobile company, all her calmness had gone and panic and nervousness had taken over. She wasn’t nervous because it was her first day of her new job in one of the most successful automobile company, neither was she nervous because she’s about to meet her boss, no, she was nervous because of who her boss was. She had heard a lot about Ashton Carter, the heir to his father, Richard Carter's, successful company.

She was to be his new PA.

Finally the elevator doors opened, she stepped out and walked briskly down the long corridor until she reached the door that read ‘Carter’. Slowly raising her quivering hand she gave two knocks. A reply never came, so she entered. Confused she looked around the large empty office, searching for her boss. Her head came to an abrupt halt when she spotted the figure of a tall, dark and muscular hunk. The way his posture stood, she instantly knew that he was very powerful and important and even though his back was turned to her she could tell he was handsome. Emily hadn’t notice him turn and stride towards her until the glass sliding doors leading to the terrace opened, letting in a chilly breeze making her shiver.

“And who might you be?” his manly voice, rich like chocolate with a trace of an accent, demanded.

“Sorry…um…I’m Emily Fall,” she stuttered foolishly.

“And?” he dragged out, implying that he had no clue about who she was.

She hadn’t notice how close he was until his minty breath had fanned her face

“The new PA, sir,” she let out after she realised that he was still waiting for an


It felt like forever, she therefore looked up. Her breath caught and her world stood still. In front of her was definitely the embodiment of a Greek God. He had dark brown almost black hair, a straight nose and lips that were red and looked smooth and kissable. His tan skin stretched over those high cheek bones making it look hard and strong as iron.

She hadn’t bothered looking over his built seen as she had been face to chest with it. Tilting her head a little she was surprised yet intrigued by those eyes. They were a deep blue. Actually so deep she felt like she was looking into the depths of the ocean, she had tried but simply couldn’t divert her eyes. His eyes gleamed devilishly sending a joyful bliss through her. He looked her up and down letting his eyes linger on her slim and exposed legs, which released a new set of butterflies in her stomach. Their eyes met once more and at that moment she had no doubt that what she had heard about this brute is true. A womanizer, undeniably attractive, the ultimate alpha male. The man of every woman’s dream.

The glorious body lent forward making his sweet breath tickle her ear and causing her to shiver in delight. Her palm sweaty and shaking. When his hand made contact with hers her knees went weak as a bolt of lighting shot through her veins.

“My pleasure to meet you miss, Emily” He breathed while his big, firm hand snaked up her arm and grabbed the folder that she was tightly clutching to her chest. She felt heat rush to her cheek when she realised that the back of his fingers were pressed against her chest as he kept hold on the folder.

She was in heaven.  

“I believe we will have a good time together,” he promised, ripped the folder from her grip and strode back to his oak desk, leaving her breathless. She could still feel the fierce storm of pleasure going through the very core of her body.

She snapped out of it and replied, “I hope so” she could see that he was holding back a wicked grin due to the fact that he had gotten to her. Without another glance, at the devil sitting behind the desk, she excited the office.

‘Why, oh why did I let another one get to me, like that?’ she fumed, storming down the corridor.

Too bad he was arrogant and full of himself.

Too bad she couldn’t tame that beast.

Too bad she had her heart broken once.

Too bad he wasn’t the committed type.

Too bad she had promised herself not to get involved with his kind again.  

Driven to DistractionWhere stories live. Discover now