Chapter 03

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Sorry lah tak update....hehehe..btw thanks for read...but please vote also.....btw thanks for reading...

Sehingga lewat malam Ragi mengkaji potion supaya boleh mengurung Suga.


Ragi:aku terpaksa buat semua ni.


Ragi:jgn risau...aku akan okay...

Jin:potion dah siap..

Ragi:dah ni dia...

Jhope:minggu depan kan full moon...

Suga:guys....i have something to tell u..
Please dont be with me during full moon... please stay away from me..brings Nana with u too..


Suga:dont worry u will be fine...


Ragi:hah..pelajar baru...lagi!


Ragi:why must i look after them.

MissLee:becuase u are president..

Di pagar..

Ragi:cis pandai betul dia menjawab.

Sekumpulan namja tinggi sedang berjalan menuju ke arahnya dan..ragi melanggar seseorg yang tinggi dan bukannya seriously...



Hyuk:hyung...dont be like that.

Leo:why i supose to school here.

N:because of our mission...

Ravi: kajja we find her.. supose to see ur class before we have ice breaking at our class.. N,Leo and Ken will be at 5-1 and Ravi, Hongbin and Hyuk will be at 4-2...

N:ahh gomawo...

Ragi:Nae...Hakyeon shii..

N:ahh you call me by my name...

Ragi:waeyo with that... know our name because u president in this school but can we know ur name also..

Ragi:Ragi..Min Ragi..

Ravi:such a yeopo name..

Ragi:ohh...gomawo wonshik..

Ravi:just call me Ravi then..


Leo:yah hello beg a heavy....

Ragi:arra..arra...lets go to ur class...

Mereka naik ke tingkat 2 menggunakan lif di menara jam yang menghubungkan bangunan di sekolah.

Ragi:this is ur class....we will doing ice breaking with new student at hall...

N:okay babe..

Ragi pergi ke kelas 4-2.. di tingkat yang sama namun di seberang bangunan B.

Ragi:this is ur...class...

Pintu dibuka(sliding door)

Bukan sahaja Ragi yang terkejut namun ahli maknae vixx juga terkejut.


Jhope:mi..mianhae president nim..


Jhope berlari dgn laju..

Ragi:asyik nak bermain game dalam kelas...hmm...blood smells...

Ravi melihat ragi seperti sudah menembusi jasadnya..

Ragi:you can sit everywhere that u like...

Ravi dan Hongbin mengambil tempat di belakang sekali bersebelahan dengan tingkap.

Hyuk:miss ragi.. where u sit. I want to sit with u.

Ragi:ahh...i sit at there.

Hyuk:no ones sit with you???

Ragi:yup... can teach my your language right...hehehe..

Ragi mengangguk...

Ken dan yang lain sudah pun menunggu dihadapan kelas.

Ragi:okay lets go..


Di dewan. Pengetua Kim mengalu-alukan kedatangan semua pelajar baru..

P.Kim:meet our new student...this is group 10...we will meet our last new student later.

Semua pelajar baru duduk di pentas supaya semua pelajar lain boleh menanyakan soalan kpd pljar baru.

Group pelajar baru yang terakhir ialah Vixx

Ragi tampil di pentas..

Ragi:All student already.. Notice that in this month...we had new student .....our school had accept many new student all this week...the first grp that be accpted by our principal is.. iKON...
2.Neoz 1 ..3.Block B ...4.Winner.5.Got7 .. 6.Astro.. 7.Monsta X...8.Up10Tion...9.Imfact,10.BTS and Vixx.. you will meet them at ur class i know some of them in ur class and we have the batch born in 1999 will stay here with the grp have member that born in that year. Okay...any question please stand up!.

The girl who have sexy red hair stand up and go to mic infront of stage.

Ragi:Choi Ae. What ur question..

Ae:i want to ask if there anyones good in our language???

Ragi:yes of course..Jungkook,I.M,Bobby,Ken,Zico,Rocky,Ungjae,Wei,Jackson,Mino and Juho. They know our language..

Ae:thank u..

Sesi soal jawap sedang berlangsung tiba-tiba.

Salah seorang pelajar berdiri secara tiba-tiba dan

???:some of them are Vampire...

Siapakah gerangan yang menanyakan soalan tersebut..

Semua orang tertanya-tanya jawapan cik president...


Ravi tampil ke depan dan merampas mic Tersebut...



Macam tergantung je kan nevermind....esok author sambung... heheh..

How its??? PLEASE vote...jebal
*puppy eyes*


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