02. the bad boy's death glare

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          "That good? Try eating the same food for three years and you'll get tired of it too," Heidi tells me.

          "Really? But it's so good. How can you ever get tired of it?" I asks.

          She shrugs. "You just do."

          Today's lunch was lasagna with garlic bread. It was amazing. The only thing I like in this school so far is their food. You can choose from over a variety of food: Chinese, Italian, Mexican.

"Let's go to the bathroom." I need to wash my hands. She agrees with a nod of her head. We both got up from our seats and head to the exit after I threw away my tray.

After using the bathroom, we were on our way to the journalism room since Heidi is in charge of the school's newspaper but stopped when we hear loud cheering from outside.

"Is there a game going on?" I ask with curiosity. She reply with a shrug. We both walk out the door and run to where the noises and cheering are coming from.

A group of students cheer for whatever is going on in the middle of the crowd.

"What's going on?" I tippy toe so I could see. Short people problem - this is why I hate being short.

Heidi couldn't see too so she tippy toe like I did. After a few seconds, she got tired of doing it so she grabbed my hand and push through the crowd of people so we could be in the front.

Finally, I look at what the big fuss is about: a bloody fight. In front of me is the hazel eyes boy who thought I was a janitor earlier punching a boy nonstop. The boy is badly hurt that he can't even get up or have the energy to open his eyes. The sight of blood running down his face makes me cringe.

I look around me, hoping someone will stop this awful fight but no one seems to be doing anything except cheering for the winning boy.

"Why isn't anyone stopping them!" I turn to Heidi.

"You can't do anything!" She yell at me through the noise of the crowd.

"You can't do anything, Chloe. Please," her voice linger in my head reminding me of what had happened to her because I didn't do anything.

"Someone needs to stop them!" I can't let another person die on my watch.

"No, Chloe!" Heidi tries to stop me but I couldn't stop. I have to stop this fight before anyone else dies.

"Stop!" I yell at the hazel eye boy but he's too focus on punching the living life out of the lifeless boy to even hear me.

How do I get his attention?

With a deep breath in and out, I step forward and walk closer to them. I could hear the crowd growing silent, probably wondering why an idiot like me would interfere with this bloody fight.

"Chloe-" Heidi say faintly.

With one final breath, I raise my hand up and slap him across the cheek. I would've bitch slapped him but I only met him today and his face is too pretty for me to mess up.

The whole crowd gasp at what I just did. Even I'm surprise at what I just did.

Good thing is, I've got his attention. Bad thing is, he's glaring straight at me, piercing into my soul.

          Oh dear lord, have mercy

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Oh dear lord, have mercy.

If looks could kill, I would be buried 6 feet under by now.

I avoid his death glare and look at the crowd instead. Everyone is still in shock at how I just slapped him. I don't see what the big deal is. I just saved a life!

I turn to Heidi and the look on her face tells me that slapping this boy is a big deal.

What the hell did I do...


Thanks for reading! Any feedback is appreciated.

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