Chapter 1

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Ruby stared at the paper, her expression as blank as the paper. She had been in Ozpin's office over an hour, and still hadn't managed to get a single word down.

"Ruby.. I understand that it's difficult, having a teammate.." Ozpin places a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Go missing..But if you don't write it down.. We can't help you."

Ruby didn't respond. She didn't even acknowledge the hand on her shoulder, let alone Ozpin's words.

"I want my team in." Ruby finally said, her voice shaky.

"As you wish." Ozpin's head darted toward Glynda who instantly left the room.

Only minutes later, the blonde professor was leading Blake and Yang into the room. Blake was wearing her usual, bored expression, but there was a hint of worry across her face.
Yang looked mad more than anything.
"Ozpin.. Can we have some privacy please?" Ruby's voice was even quieter this time.

She waited until the moment the three were together, then everything fell silent.

"You.. Weiss is gone.. Isn't she?" Blake finally whispered.

All four had been on the scene of attack, but only three had returned.
Ruby teared up slightly.

"It's all m-my fault.." Ruby didn't make eye contact. She hated people seeing her cry. It made her feel weak, helpless.

"Don't you dare think like that." Yang demanded. "Cinder is an experienced huntress. We're.. Well... Not there yet, are we? Don't put yourself down. We'll find Weiss. She isn't dead, she's strong."

"But how do you-" Ruby started.

"I promise." Yang said, calmly. "We will find her."

"All you can do for now is write what you saw. We did it. Trust me, Ozpin is a really nice guy and he'll help us." Blake smiled, reassuringly.

Ozpin and Glynda entered minutes later.

"How are you doing, Ruby?" Glynda asked softly.

"Better. I think. And I've finished writing. I'm going to take my team back to our room and get us rested up." She responded. Her voice was no longer shaky, but still not her usual self either.

"Okay. If you need to rest up tomorrow, feel free to take the day off. You've had a rough couple of days." Ozpin offered, gesturing a thanks to the team.

They quickly sped out, all wearing saddened expressions.

"Hey, at least we have the day off tomorrow.." Ruby said.

It was obvious she was trying to be optimistic. Not for her own sake, but for the sake of her team. She wanted them to be happy again, but ever since Weiss had gone... It hadn't been so easy. Nobody knew what was happening to their teammate, or even if they'd see her again, and that was the worst part of it all.

"Y'know, I never expected to miss her so much.." Yang finally spoke up and the other two turned to her, slightly confused but intrigued at the same time.
"She would always push us to our limits about trying our hardest. We always thought it was annoying.. But we needed it."

Silence again. Of course, it was true. They all brought their different talents to the group. And they wouldn't be a team without each one.

They reached the dorm and Ruby unlocked it, also slamming it behind them.

"Get a decent night's sleep for mW, Rubes?" Yang looked to her younger sister.

"I try.." Ruby didn't even bother to make eye contact.

"If you need me, you know where I am. And Blake's there too, remember." Yang was obviously trying to be sympathetic.

Blake was first into the bathroom to get changed as Ruby quietly walked over to Weiss' bed. It was so cold.. She hated it.
Ruby remade the bed, just the way that Weiss would. She smiled as she did, picturing Weiss in the bed childishly. She took extra care with arranging the duvet and blankets, before rearranging the pillows. She could picture Weiss asking for a small teddy bear, so Ruby had one there in an instant. Yang walking over is what woke her from the realistic daydream.

"I know it hurts, little sister."

"I.. Its okay. We'll find her... I just.. Well. We took her for granted really."

"I know, I know.. And we can tell her that when she's back." Yang rubbed Ruby's shoulder.

"Someone else's turn to get changed." Blake called out, walking from the bathroom.

"You go, Yang." Ruby said politely, before watching her older sister walk across the room.

She sighed and made herself a coffee, just the way Weiss would have it. And of course, she added a little biscuit on the side. She remembered Weiss saying that you would "Eat the biscuit, then drink the coffee. That's how it works, Ruby."

She went to eat her biscuit as Yang walked out.
"Go get changed, Ruby."

She did as asked before quickly returning to the same spot on Weiss' bed. Yang was clearly tired, as she was already snoring. Ruby assumed Blake was too. She finished her coffee and set the dish aside, laying in Weiss' bed. She turned a frame of the whole team toward her before shutting her eyes tightly. She couldn't get the image of Weiss, bleeding in her arms, to escape her mind. She sighed.

"Ruby.. What are you doing?" She heard Blake's soft whisper.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Came Ruby's confused response.

"That's Weiss' bed."

"Yeah. I'm.. Keeping it warm for her."

A/N: Well.. Where to start.. Hi. I'm a new writer here on Wattpad, and I'm extremely excited on how this turns out. To be honest, I don't MIMD if this doesn't turn out to be a "5K reads" book. I write because I enjoy it and I hope to make others (such as yourself) happy. I want to express myself through my writing. Gosh, this all sounds so dramatic XD.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the first part of my first story! Feel free to stay for more!
See you then!

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