Chapter 4

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Pyrrha was first to wake. She stared around the RWBY dorm as memories from the night before came flooding back. She smiled before standing and walking to the kitchen. She started to clean as Ruby walked in.

"Whatcha doing?" Ruby said, the tiredness evident in her voice.

"Cleaning up the mess we managed to create last night." Pyrrha chuckled, putting everything in its rightful place.

The pair continued to clean until the room was as clean as it was before JNPR had arrived.

Later, everyone was awake and had eaten breakfast.

"Maybe we could all walk to lesson together? We all have Goodwitch first, so?" Ruby retorted.

"Sounds great!" Jaune replied cheerfully.

And so, both teams walked down to their lesson. Upon their arrival, RBY were pulled aside by Glynda.

"As promised, We have sorted out a new... Mission.. to find Weiss. But, as always, you must go out with a professor. So.."

She was interrupted by the arrival of an excited Oobleck, a huge grin on his face.

"Come on girls, we ought to get your stuff and get you ready!" He seemed very excited to do another mission outside of school.

"Thank you, Professor!" Ruby hugged Glynda before backing away slowly, realising that she wasn't allowed.

"How did you get it So soon?" Yang asked, relieved that they could finally find Weiss and Ruby would be able to sleep properly soon enough.

"A student from our school is missing. Her team and a professor can go out to find her. If you guys are out longer than 5 days, we're calling Ironwood for help too." Glynda smiled.

Only minutes later, all three girls were in their dorm room and gathering the necessities to go.

"Guys. Hurry! We'll be late!" Ruby yelped, using her semblance to help her pack faster.

"There's no scheduled time to-" Blake started.

"Leaving in 10 minutes and 23 seconds, girls!" Oobleck called from outside.

"Ha!" Ruby said. She sneakily took some things from Weiss' drawer.

"Ugh.. Sis! Stop! You're making me dizzy!" Yang chuckled.

The girls were ready within the ridiculous time limit given by Oobleck, and were ready to board the ship. Zwei was even with Ruby.

"You brought the dog!?" Oobleck said, making it difficult to tell whether he was mad.


"Its perfect! I've missed 'im!" Oobleck chuckled, hugging Zwei to his chest and boarding the ship. The three girls chuckled and walked on the ship, standing close together.

On the ship, Oobleck and Zwei were nowhere to be seen, but Oobleck's laughter made it evident that he was enjoying Zwei's company. Meanwhile, the girls were stuck panicking in the main section of the ship.

"What do we do..?" Yang said, hiding her fear with confusion.

"I guess.. We.. Well... Find her!" Ruby seened oddly cheerful considering the situation.

Blake sat in the corner reading. She didn't seem too phased; she was emotionless. The two sisters didn't even try conversation with her, she was too deep into her book and they wouldn't get a response. So the sisters decided to do sleeping catch up. Yang hoped Ruby would be able to sleep because they were on a mission to save the one thing that prevented Ruby's sleep. Weiss. Ruby already knew she'd be 1000 times better once her teammate was safe and cared for. She had to be out there somewhere.

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