bree's dream

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Bree: dude I had an insane dream
Can I tell you?

Me: yes please tell me

Bree: Okay So first i was like at home and my mom told me i had an 82 grade average and i was like wtf it was an 83 before wym and then she left and i walked to walmart by myself and saw my dad there and went up to him to surprise him but when he saw me he was like ugh go away and i was like i go to that little area over there where home depot is right

And i see this man who looks just like prince and he tells me to go to the bank and im like what and hes like Go.Over.there.
And im like are you gonna rob it and hes like yea and then i get down on my knees and like tell him that if he's going to rob someone he should rob tmobile because they get more money cus they are the best phone company and he's like ooooh okay yes u are right so I told him if help him (but i was lying)and hes like first go get a ticket for something (it was like pulling a ticket for a number in line or something) and i was like oh okay i can do that on my phone kk swag money and i go over to the gas station and i see the REAL Prince and he's like whats going on baby girl and i said "call the police when i give u the signal okay that guy is taking over your personality and wants to rob you" and he nods like yea okay and then i go back over to the FAKE prince and hes like did you get a ticket and I said yeah and he said great and i screamed MAC DADDY SWAGGGG (that was the signal) and then the real prince comes out of nowhere and like does a karate kick and says HIIIYYYAAAA like a kung fu noise
And then the fake prince gets taken away to jail and after that they open a walmart store in his name because he has glorious hair in prison.

Me: OMFG BEST DREAM EVER 😂😂😂 you got me dying in class man that deserves a screenshot and the next page in our convo book cx

Bree: It was crazy I woke up like lmao bree what the fuck

And that my few readers is basically it 😂😂😂 idk if any of the emojis showed up but yeaaaaa cx I thought it was funny so I shared it with y'all may y'all find joy in the story of Bree's dream

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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