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''Charlotte your eyes are so beautiful, they're like two icy marbles''  he leaned on his hand and looked at me with a dreamy expression.
We were at a chocolate cafe, which had many kinds of luxuries chocolates, from dark rich bitter to white sweet and creamy. The café smelled like strong coffee with a hint of hot chocolate in the air.
''W-what? They're just eyes...'' I mumbled while I could feel my cheeks heat up. How did end up in this café with this guy anyways?
''Haha look at you going all red''
''Shut up..!'' I whined getting a bit flustered ''You're always teasing me like this''
He smiles at me and sticks his tongue out at me playfully.
''By the way, you never told me you're name-''

I wake up suddenly as if my whole body just spazzed out. It was that dream again with the exact same guy, and of course every time I try to ask for his name the dream always ends.
''He said my eyes were beautiful..'' I mumbled to myself and stuffed my face into my pillow feeling as if a million of butterflies decided to have a race inside my stomach. I get up from my bed remembering that I have to deal with realities bullshit again which results into me groaning , some how I managed to drag myself downstairs though. I swear, these dreams are making me think more about how lame this world is. If only he was here... I'm sure things would be 10 times better than they are now inside my boring ass life that mostly includes me going to school every single day and dealing with stupid people. I reach the kitchen counter and take out the same cereal I eat everyday, gosh.. Even my food is boring, how ridiculous is that?
''Yo yo yo it's Mike in the houseeee'' My brother pops out of nowhere giving me five mini heart attacks in a row
''Jesus Christ, you idiot don't do that'' I hiss at him.
I look down at my shirt finding milk all over it after my mini heart attack.
''Oh for fucks sake, look at what you made me do to myself Mike'' At this point I was already yelling at him.
As you can see I'm not a morning person.
''Woow chill, didn't know you're so jumpy when it comes to jump scaring you''
''Well now you know!''
My one year younger brother is always like this, so hyper yet he can be so quiet sometimes that not even a peep will come out of his mouth. But most of times is like he's on too many drugs and walks around telling me the worst pun jokes, which he knows are bad, but still just for the sake of making me cringe he still tells me them.
I come back down with a new clean t-shirt hoping that nothing else will be staining it.  I glare at my brother while he looks back grinning from ear to ear. The cereal was all soggy by now and I didn't want to throw it out so I had to force feed myself with the soggy mush, a great way to start my morning.

I was thinking about my dream while I was walking with my brother to school while he rambled on about some things and me pretending to listen. Why are my dreams such a blur but as soon as I see him in my dreams everything becomes so real? And most importantly, why does it always end as soon as I try to ask him his name? It felt as if I was pondering about this for ever. I felt my brother hit me lightly on my back ''Hey you alright?'' He asked
''Yeah, don't worry everything's fine, we should really get to class in the next 2 minutes because I have Miss Waters for social studies and she's scary''
''Like a shark, get it, because Miss waters, and sharks live in wate-'' oh lord not his puns again
''No, just stop and go to class before you make my brain cells die''
''Are you shore about that? Don't be a beach Charlie'' how the hell does he even come up with these?
''That's it I'm out'' I speed walk away from him and rush into my classroom just in time when the last bell rings. I sigh and plonk myself on to my seat. I know this is weird but I always feel so dramatic sitting at my desk because it's right beside the window and the teacher left one spare seat beside me.
''Hello class, before we start this lesson we have a new student''
I looked around the classroom to see nearly all the girls whispering and giggling to each other saying ''Omg it's the new guy, I heard that he's super hot'' jeeze all they talk about is guys.
''Hi my name is Chris'' he smiled charmingly
I almost fell of my chair when I got a good look at his face, who does his face remind me off? Oh let me tell you who, that's right, the guy from my dreams. No, he doesn't just remind me of him, I'm 100% that it is him. What in the world is going on?

Hello hello Potato here >3> So as y'all can see I'm making a new story here, and trust me, you'll be in for a ride ;D Do you ever have those dreams where you're hanging out with a hot person and then you wake up and get frustrated because you can't go back to the dream?? Well, I know that it's happened to me before >_> So I somehow came up with the idea to write a story about it xD
Anywoos, I'll try to update as much as I can, i might be delayed sometimes cuz my summer exams are coming up (ew) but I'll still try :D Hope yous enjoy my story x))

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