Chapter 2

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I sat there, feeling dumbfounded, shocked, frozen, terrified. What in the world was going on? I felt my heart race, hoping the fire alarm would go off and I would escape the school and move to a different country.
''Chris you can sit at the very back beside Charlotte'' no no no no, not beside me, please God why do you love doing this to me??
He stood there with a blank expression on his face, did he know? or did he know that I knew, or didn't know that I knew, but he still knew. Maybe only I knew.
''Em Chris, the seat is at the very back'' she pointed at the empty seat beside me
''Oh right, sorry'' He laughed. What? Is he trying to charm the teacher too?
I felt as if he was walking towards the seat in slow motion, in fact I felt as if everything was in slow motion. He sat down beside me and I felt a nice scent of his cologne coming from him, yup, it was definitely him. My hands were like Niagara Falls by now and I was expecting him to say ''Charlotte what in the bleedin world are you doing here in real life?? How is this even possible???'' Instead all he said was ''Hi there, I guess I'll be sitting here beside you for a while so I'm hoping we get to know each other better'' and of course with a charming smile of his added on. Maybe it's just me having these dreams after all.
But I must say, he's pretty formal, I mean it's not like he's at a job interview or anything, but I still somehow appreciate his kindness.
I felt a million of glares on me from all the girls, shootings daggers at me with their eyes. I glared back at them and they quickly turned their heads facing forward. What? It's not like I decided for him to sit beside me.
Usually class drags on forever but this one passed by really fast.

''Hey Charlie what's up?'' One of my friends Laura came over with Jenna and Clare beside her smiling at me
''Oh hey, nothin really'' I opened my locker immediately looking at the picture at the side of my locker of me, Mike, Mum and Dad, ah.. Good old times.
''Nothing!?!? What do you mean nothing!? Chris Akers, the new guy, is in you're God damn class!!'' Jenna exclaimed while Clare was acting as if she was giving CPR to Laura and saying in a dramatic voice ''Hold on Laura, stay with us!''
''Oh right, the new guy. Wait how do you even know him is he famous or something??'' I asked
''Oh no no, he just has a couple of friends here that know him and they told someone that he's coming to the school so the word sorta spread since ''he's hot too'' was added on to their explanation''
''Ahh I see'' dammit I was hoping for him to be famous or something...
''Soooo? What's he like??'' Clare asked coming closer to me with Jenna and Laura trapping me so I wouldn't escape
''Ehh.. He's alright I guess. Pretty kind and charming...''
''Ohhh look at her talking about him like they're a married couple already'' Laura was going into one of her fan girl modes, oh Lordy
'' Mm yes yes, I already see them having babies, one named Bob and the other Billy'' Jenna demanded with her hand on her chin as if she was feeling her imaginary beard
''Da hell my children sound like goats. Wait what!?''
''Shhh don't question it my child, just let it be'' Laura puts her finger on my mouth shushing me
''Haha we're just kidding, but I mean, If you're not gonna take him then I hope you don't mind if I do'' Clare gave me an awful cheesy but hilarious wink
''You guys are mad'' I laughed
''That's why ya love us though''     Jenna poked me playfully ''Anyways, We'll text ya later after school, oh and don't forget to give any updates about the new guy!''
''Don't worry I will'' I smiled and waved at them.
I was still somehow trying to stuff my book into my locker and since I'm disorganised, my books were on top of each other resulting into difficulties to put anymore books inside.
''Oh hey what a coincidence, your locker is beside mine too''
I slowly motioned my head to find Chris standing not too far away from me. I dropped my book feeling a bit nervous that he was this close standing next to me. Before I could reach for the book on the floor he took it for me and handed it over. ''Here you go"
Why the hell is his locker beside me?? Wait, what if he's a creepy stalker that came from a different planet and is trying to collect some secrete information by stalking me and then I'll die and everyone else will die and it will be the end of the world???
I shook my head from my silly rambling and swiped the book from him hoping it wouldn't slip off my sweaty hands, I'm telling you, it's Niagara Falls down there.
'' T-thanks'' why was I stuttering? It's not like I liked him or anything... Well I mean.. He does look like the same guy from my dreams... But that's different!
''Aw man I think I left my social studies book in class'' he sighed
''Oh.. Em I can give you the homework I guess?'' I suggested, I'm simply just trying to be nice to him
''Cool thanks, I'll give you my number so you can send it over to me. Really sorry that it turned out like that''
''O-oh no worries it's fine'' Great, first day and I already get his phone number, how coincidental can this get? Wait! What if he left it there on purpose?? I swear, it's like I'm doing equations inside my head now thinking of as many theories as I can.

I reach my house feeling exhausted because of so many things that had happened today. Maybe my life will become a bit more interesting from now on?
I drag myself upstairs barely making it since I felt like my legs were about to fall off. God I'm so unfit.
Mike wasn't home and was probably grocery shopping and dad was at work as always, we barely get to see him. As for mum, well I don't know to be honest. My parents divorced a long time ago, 6 years now probably. We used to be such a happy family and the only reason we split was because of money. It's almost unbelievable what those small pieces of filthy paper can cause. She said that my dad wasn't working hard enough to earn the amount of money she expected from him. Poor dad was actually working his butt off each day and she still wasn't happy with him. So she said goodbye to him and told him that she's better off without him, I always wondered if she meant us too but probably since I was a small innocent 10 year old and Mike being only 9 she simply said ''Don't worry hunny I'm just going away on a really long vacation to have a little break from you're daddy, I'll still call you and send you presents'' so obviously I was like ''Presents? Ok!'' And never really understood the situation entirely, but I guess it was for my good. But the older I grew the more it sank down into me that that was no vacation she was going to, it was simply a divorce because she was so fed up of our family, probably me and Mike included too.
Anyways, enough of my depressing ass life story. For now what was important to me was the fact that I had Chris's phone number and I had to send him the homework. I mean, it's just homework, it's not like I'm asking him out or anything.
"Hey slutty for the wait" I send the text and immediately noticed the autocorrection for "slutty" instead of "sorry". Oh my Goooshhh what did I just do, even my god damn autocorrect hates me. I was flailing my arms around in panic not knowing what to do, however I grab my phone and quickly text "SORRY. SORRY IS WHAT I MEANT. NOT SLUTTY"
I get a text from him in few seconds replying "Lol it's fine, thanks for the homework ;-)"
Well obviously it wasn't fine, what he really meant was "Hah you're such a weirdo, but thanks for the homework, loser" but he wouldn't say that since he's too charming and kind, I can't even imagine something so rude coming out of his mouth at this point.
I hide under my blankets, wanting to dig a whole inside the ground and just go inside it and die on a Monday.
Well, on the bright side, it's just an autocorrection, it happens to everyone right?
I sigh and hear the door open, it was my brother since I could hear him singing "California Girls" by Katy Perry in a slightly off key voice.
"Hey Cher, I bought some ice cream for you" My brother brings a full bag off treats mostly and only a few of actual foods that we need
"Mike you do realise that we can't have ice cream and sweets for dinner right? And stop calling me Cher it sounds like chair" I sounded annoyed, sometimes I really wonder what goes through my brothers head.
"Aw but I like the name Cher. Wait what sweets? I barely bought any- Oh never mind..."
"Are you trying to get diabetes or are you trying to get diabetes?" I ask him
"Cher those two options are the same" he laughed as if I was joking around with him
"I know they are! Because you are trying to get diabetes. And stop calling me fecking Cher!"
"Well it's not like I am trying to get diabetes, I just really like sweets.. Cher, and hey instead of whining about what I bought, how about being grateful that I bought you some ice cream, and it's even you're favourite!" 
''Sorry... and thanks'' I mumble feeling a bit guilty
''What was that?''
''I said thank you!''
''Can't hear you? Did you just thank and apologise at the same time?''
''Go away!'' I snatch the ice cream and run upstairs and straight into my bedroom, huddling myself with my blankets and start watching a movie with my ice cream. But really, I wasn't concentrating on the movie, my thoughts were racing about so many things.

Yoooo, it's potato again :3 Sorry if there's any correction or grammar mistakes -3- But I hope you guys are continuing to enjoy my story, and hopefully -cough- you'll vote too -cough- I mean, it's not like I'm forcing you or anything... you better fecking vote or else I'll haunt you while you sleep, I mean what? Haha love you too ;D No but really, vote if you can it would be such an honour :) But Anywoos,  hope y'all continue reading x)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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