road trip.

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It's six am.
I'm making breakfast.

His hand slides up my back ,moves to my front and pulls me to his chest.
"Good morning", he whispers in my ear.
His lips trail up my neck until he kisses me.

I smell something burn.
" look what you made me do "I say accusingly.

He grabs an apple from the counter and tosses one to me.
My reflexes being what they are; I fail to catch it and it drops to the floor.

" so what are we doing today? "He asks nonchalantly.

" well ,you took time off work for this, so I'm going to be generous and let you decide"I say while picking the apple up.

"I can't decide between going for a stroll in the park or going to the museum" he teases.

"Hahaha. Maybe we can get ice cream afterwards?" I deadpan.

"Sure. How about vanilla?" He says with a wink.

"anything but vanilla" I say seriously.

"I don't know why vanilla gets such a bad rep.? I mean it's the ultimate flavor.", he says with a wink.
" I'm going to go shower and then we're heading out ".

" where? "I ask curious.

" road trip "


We're cruising down the highway.
It's been so long since I've been outside the city limits.

It feels good to have someone beside me.

As if she knows I'm thinking about her she looks at me and smiles.

God that is distracting.

We've been going out for months now but every time she smiles it makes my heart flutter.

Not very manly?
I know.
And I don't care.

It's her.
She has this effect on me. She makes me fall in love with her every single second of the day.

She's my aphrodisiac.
My own personal drug.

"If you'd told me this was going to take a while I would've packed lunch" she says with a sigh.

"You're hungry?", I ask amused.
" It's only been an hour "

"Do I need to remind you that 'a person who shall not be named' made me burn breakfast" she answers with an arched eyebrow.

"How about I make it up to you? There's this motel near the next intersection that has a really good breakfast bar -their omelettes are the absolute best", I offer.

" okay, but if these omelettes aren't as good as you say they are, then I'm going to be gravely disappointed in you", she says teasingly.

"Oh trust me", I wink at her," you'll love them ".


"Oh my God "she let's out a gasp,
" these are divine. We should stop by more often".

The waitress comes by to ask if we need anything else.
I tell her we're good and we'd like the bill.

"You guys are really cute together." She swoons handing me the bill.

"Thank you" , Estelle blushes.

I smile to myself .
I can tell she secretly likes it when people think we look good together.

"So how'd you guys meet?" The waitress asks.

"We met when we were seven" Estelle answers while I pay the waitress.

I look at her inquiringly.
She shrugs.

The waitress makes more small talk and then we leave.

"We met when we were seven?", I ask as soon as we get in the car

" yeah. "She simply states.

" really?
Where? "
I wonder out loud.

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