at the mb concert part 2

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lovely: noo lets tell them what you think of ray-ray * walking to ray ray

jazz: you wouldnt

lovely: yeah we would

ray ray: so you like me?? * grinding  on jazzs butt

jazz: you are going to give me heart attack ray ray step back

ray ray : ok ok * backs up

jazz: whoo jesus i thought i was going to die 

nicole: die from what its ok you like ray ray

jazz: no i dont * blushes

princeton: maybe she just cant handle ray ray and his freakyness

jazz: oww really * walkind behind ray ray kissing on his neck and whispering something in spanish and bitting his ear lobe then back away

rayray: *looking down

roc royal: ohh shit you got him started * back away

prodigy: look what you did jazz

jazz: what did i do

roc royal : you turned him on 

prodigy: so when you turn him on its impossible for him to stop being like that

roc royal: maybe we should block him from getting jazz

lovely; no she started it she can finsh it 

jazz ; im ok  ill just go *walking away

the girls : nooo you have to fix ray

jazz; all i did was kiss his neck and bite his earlobe and whipsper something in spanish to him


jazz; yes

ray  ray: *looking at jazz* jazz come here

jazz;im ok  

nicole : gooo and fix him

jazz; im scared

mindless behavior: JUSTT GOOO

ray ray : * holding his hand out pulled jazz toward him whipsering to jazz: im going to get you back for what you did and let go of his hand

jazz: ummmmm * blushing

brittany: what did he say * looking serious

jazz: he told me he was going to get me back for turning him on

mindless behavior except for ray ray : good luck you ARE GOING TO DIE WITH YOU 2 IN ONE ROOM TOGETHER

LOVELY: why do you say that

princeton: because you have to see it for yourslef tonight

jazz; i aint doing nothing tonight im still a virgin

the girls / boys * giving her a forreal face

jazz: yes im a virgin got a problem

ray ray : this should be fun

jazz; oww now you wanna talk

brittany: you guys should sleep over

jazz; nooooooooopeeeee

nicole : yess we can.

jazz: i dont want to

mindless b : well sleep over

jazz: why

mb: because it well be fun

jazz: mann this is some shitt

>>>>>>>at the nicki and jazzs house

nicole: here is the house

roc royal: this is nice

jazz: thxs :)

princeton: you smlied for once

jazz: i well hurt you

ray ray : not like i will be hurting you tonight

jazz: alright im going upstairs and dont bring that fool upstairs with me * walking upstairs

nicole alright

brittany: lets have a TWERKING PARTY



ray ray: i will * walking upstairs.

lovely: should i go get them 

nicole nopeee they wont be down stairs in a whlie so lets just  start twerking 

>>>> authors: note the next chapter is going to content in it so if you dont like it please do not read 

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