Forbidden - Chapter 1

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I feel like if I could fly in this moment, I can feel the cold currents of water taking me as they please. My naked body sinks in the lake due to gravity. I don’t fight; I don’t try to return to the surface, I just go with the flow. Above me I can see a swarm of bubbles just before my hair covers my eyes like algae tangling on my face. I shake my head, raise my arms and stamp in the water moving my feet towards the liberty. I fill my lungs with a breath of fresh air. My body keeps moving under the water while my head rises over it watching the wonderful landscape: an orange-coloured twilight, dark mountains in the back, some modern houses and a forest surrounding the nearest places to the lake. Without any doubt it was a perfect place where I loved to hide from my problems, to look for inspiration or just because of the pleasure of being alone.

The sunset was an indication for me, I should go home, as my mum said a few hours ago. I swam towards the edge, watching if someone was near me, because I was naked. There was nobody in sight. I run out of the water, took my towel and covered my body with it. The cold wind that wrapped me up gave me a shiver. I wanted to return home as soon as possible, it was getting dark and I didn’t like being around here at night alone. I put on my dress quickly, put my towel into my bag and put on my old vans. While I was tying my laces I heard a crunch behind me, I turned my head and watched around me. I couldn’t breath. I was looking for something that could tell me I was not alone.

- Is someone there? – I turned my body to the trees where the noise came from.

I watched a bit more, but there was no trace of any other person. It might be just an animal, I was not sure and I didn’t want to check it. I took my bag and started the way to go out of the forest. My parents’ house was nearby, so I have come here walking. I noticed that my phone was ringing in my bag, I took it and answered it as quick as I could.

- Hi, mum – I said

- Hi darling, where are you?

- I’m just on the way, mum.

- Hurry up, we’ve arranged to meet with them at nine, don’t forget.

- How would I forget it if you remind me every five minutes?

- You know it’s important for your father and for me to cause a good impression to this family.

- I know – I admitted – Mum, I’m just arriving, see you in five minutes. - I hanged up

I felt like if there was someone behind me. I turned a couple of times, but there was nobody except for me in the forest. I started running through the big avenue and took my keys to open the house. I got surprised when I saw my mum in the entrance when I opened the door. She was looking angrily at me, her eyes were staring at mines, and her mouth was opened like if she wanted to shout, but she said:

- You have a half an hour to have a shower and get ready.

Cool, she didn’t say something like «Hi, love. Where were you? Finally you are here» and that was not a good beginning. I nodded while I closed the door. I passed in front of her smiling to try to calm her, but it didn’t work, she was still angry with me, so I decided to go to the bathroom to get ready. I had a shower as quick as I could, and went to my bedroom. I took the first elegant thing I saw and I put it on. It was a short red dress, a bit loose, but the belt it had below the chest made my curves stand out on a strangely sexy way. I looked for my black heels, I found them under my bed and put them on.

Forbidden (English version) - Harry Styles Fanfiction. By backforbritish.Where stories live. Discover now