Chapter Six

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I felt the sun rays Pierce through my eye lid.

Yay! It's Saturday morning.

Then all of a sudden I didn't feel the light ray's any more.

I opened my eye's.

   "Finally your awake," Jonas said.

   "I made Bacon and Eggs."

   "Ugh, how did you even get here?."

   "I dropped you here remember?,"

But were Did he sleep?

   "Its ok Olvie, I didn't sleep here, I just came like an hour ago."

He just read my mind.

   "I don't want to do anything today, I just want to die, and be dead forever, am sick of repeating the same life over and over again," I whined.

   "You promised me that you would, come to my place and study."

   "But am not in your house," I said.

   "We can do it here."

   "Why are you being nice, I asked."

He didn't face me, he turned his face and told me to take a shower.

The shower was long and cold.

  "Hey wear something nice?," Jonas said.

   "Why, We're only studying." Jonas shut me a death glare.

   "Okay, okay, fine."

Actually I didn't have anything nice to wear. All my good clothes were dirty and just piled up at one corner.

I wore a sleeveless pink and white shirt, with ripped white jean, and pink flats.

I sat in the dining next to Jonas.

  "So where's my bacon?," I asked.

  "It's in the kitchen, you can get it yourself."

  "Well someone is bipolar today," I joked.

I stood up and went to the kitchen, then all of a sudden everything went black, the air got hot, that was when I noticed that I was in a sack. How?

   "Jonas!, let me go right now."

I could breath cause they were tiny holes in the sack.

    "Your just over reacting," he said.

   "Which idiot wouldn't, when they are put in a sack?."

He put me in his booth and started the car.

Oh my gosh, what is he gonna do to me?. Probably rape me and put me in a dumpster.

I gasped for air as the air started to become thin.

He wants to kill me.

Soon enough he pulled over, and got me out of the booth still in the sack.

I struggled trying to escape, but his grip got harder and harder. Then he let me down and removed the sack.

   "You motherfucker, son of a pros-"


My heart quickly jumped, I was caught of by the sound of my friends.

The place was decorated with balloons. There was a large cake placed on the table, it was chocolate.

A smile was on my face. "What is this for?," I asked.

   "You silly Goat It's your birthday," Jade said and hit my arm.


   "I can't believe you guys remembered."

Then tears started to roll down my Cheek's. 

   "Are you okay Olivia?," I nodded.

I couldn't stop crying.

Then Jade dragged me to her for a warm hug.


  "So why didn't you just take me here?," I asked Jonas.

    "To get you excited."

   "Or you just wanted to kill me?."

   "Stop arguing about it Olvie, you liked it."

   "True that. But I also don't want to get killed, there are so many things that I haven't done, like-"

  "Getting fucked," Jonas continued.

I slapped him at the back of his head.


  "You've got a bad mind."

  "So now your a good girl?."

I ignored that question.

   "You want to play 20 questions," he asked.

   "No," I snapped.




   "No, just fuck off."

   "Okay, but just answer this question."


   "Are you still a virgin?."

It was like I just hooked in mid air.

   "No,"  I whispered.

I didn't want to cry, today was my day, I made some huge mistakes in the past, but I need to focus on the present.

I turned my face away from him.

   "Why are you sad?," he asked.

  " wouldn't understand."

   "Sorry I brought that topic, I was just curious."

   "Forget that, let's just have fun."


Again. Am not born for parties. I just stuffed cake into my mouth.

    "Hey, you want whiskey?."

I looked up to see were that voice came from, it was from Scott.
His voice was deep, he had short black hair, and toned skin. He wore a grey shirt with black Jean, his light brown eye's looked into mine, we were like one inch apart, this was the part were couples kiss.

His so hot, but not as hot as Jonas.

Then I quickly realized how close we were. So I took a step back.

Then Scott stepped closer, I could see that he was drunk.

Scott looked at me like I was am alien. He tilted his head, and brought it back up.

   "No I don't want whiskey." I said and took another step back, then I was now on the wall.

  "But I want you," Scott said.

Clearly he wasn't in his right mind.

I pushed him away, and he got angry.


Sorry for leaving you guys hanging there.

So tell me how you like it so far.



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