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Your POV

We walked in there seeing no-one in there but us"YASS ITS ONLY GONNA BE US!"Nicole Yells "Whoo~"I hug Travis in excitement without noticing it he hugs back"Cc!"Nicole says I looked up at Travis noticing I'm hugging him we stare in each other's eyes he presses his lips against mine he stops after awhile I blushed "a-a- u-umm"I say looking at Travis Nicole grabs my arm and takes me in the changing room..

Travis POV

"I can't believe I did that"I think to myself "a-a-u-um"Y/N said Nicole took her arm and took her into the changing room "being a little Forward aren't you"Dante said "well you know me"I jerk back " well if you break her heart"Dante said" I will take her for myself" Dante added "Umm"I thought
"I will be a good boyfriend for my beautiful Angel" I think to myself...

Your POV

"Your look Beautiful!~"Nicole said "thanks"I thanked her "Ahh~ my first time seeing Travis with no Shirt~"I think to myself come on I get Into the shower few minutes later... "Ahh Finally done" Nicole said "Finally!"I said "let's go" Nicole Said "but-but I never saw T-Trav"I said "haha!" Nicole Teases me "H-Hey that's not funny!"I reply "Well i saw Dante with hes shirt off many times if you know
What I mean" Nicole said "EW!"I reply "whatever"Nicole Jerks Back "well let's go!"I said "woah little girl feeling confident now"She said "Yes yes I am "I reply I walk out and see Travis walk out of the boys changing room "a-a-H-hey"I said while he looks at me like u was an angle "Cmon you love birds come in"Nicole Says "okay"I said I jumped I was swimming until I felt something touch my waist I looked behind me then felt Travis lips against mine I closed my eyes he stops "wanna come on the Water slide with me?"he asks me as if it was a date "yes" I said he holds my hand than let's go and gets up he helps me up he goes up the stairs and I follow he sits down "where am I gonna sit"I ask "on my lap!"he said " I sat down he pushes us off I look up and hug travis...we got down and saw them looking at us...

Travis POV

"What?" I ask "CC"Nicole said I swim to Y/N after awhile of swimming I went to the changing room

Your POV

"AWH I wish I had a relationship like you two!"Nicole wines I walk out of the changing room "You have a good sense of fashion!"Nicole said "Thanks"I said  "your hair is beautiful!"I said "thanks"she replied "any ways I'm tired I'm going to meet Travis out side I walk out and see Travis he grabs my hand and we walk out holding each other home I fell asleep during the ride home Travis carried me over to my house and put me into my bed kisses my forehead and said "I won't let Dante take you away" and turns off the lights and closes the door

Hey ppl hoped you liked this one and yeah...next one probably in 2ish days
Bai Cuties

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