Chapter Nine: September 9th, 2001 ||Sleeping in||

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Chapter Nine: September 9th, 2001 ||Sleeping in||

I had spent the whole night before looking over file after file of the report our boss had sent me. Exhausted from the night before, I ended up falling asleep at the dining room table. The morning sun was shinning through the many windows that lined the manor. Alfred came down from his room to see me sleeping on the table, he found it quite amusing.

"Looks like she had quite a night. I guess I'll just let her sleep it off for a while longer."

Alfred took my jacket that had fallen on the floor and wrapped it around my shoulders, leaving me to sleep away as Alfred went on with his day.

I Was There and Survived 9/11 ||Hetalia - America - Fem!America|| [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now