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Your P.O.V

I was walking around the park, to get a little bit of time to myself. "I wonder how Skyler's doing right now." You see, me and her were walking through this park until a portal opened and she was sucked in. I miss Sky. She was one of my best friends. This happened 2 months ago, when she was sucked into the portal. Rustle. Rustle. I heard the rustling of a bush. Having a feeling something bad might happen, my left and right side of my body was fighting to either check what's in the bush or not. But, out of curiosity, I went over to the bush to find nothing. 'Strange. I thought I heard rusting coming from this bush. I guess I'm just hearing things.' I suddenly felt like I was being pulled down to the ground. I looked behind to see the exact same portal Skyler was sucked in. I didn't grab onto anything. I just let myself get pulled into the portal. Maybe I'll see Skyler in another dimension. People have said this portal transports people to another unknown dimension.
Flashback start~

Me and Skyler were walking through the park for some quiet time to talk to each other. "Hey (N/N), do you believe that story about the portal?" Skyler asked me. "I don't know. Maybe if we are able to see it, then we will believe it." I responded in a soft voice. "I guess your right." Skyler said in a soft and delicate voice. Just then, the portal appeared. Skyler was being sucked in.
She was keeping a hold of a root. "(Y/N)! Help me! Please!" Skyler said with fear in her eyes and voice. "Skyler!" I yelled. I tried taking a hold of her hand. I missed. I hit her hand by accident, causing it to let go of the root, allowing her to get sucked in. "Skyler!" I yelled reaching for her. "Ahhhhh!!!" She yelled. No. I failed to rescue my friend!
~Flashback end

Rustle. What is that? I walked towards the sound, since it was coming from my left. I saw something glowing, until I saw the the portal. The same portal that took my BFF Skyler. 'If I want to save Sky, then I'll have to jump in! Maybe she's still alive!' I thought to myself then jumped. The world then faded into black.

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