The English version

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It was a tiring month. Full of interviews, at TV shows or as in radio audition, meetings with fans, concerts... But now, everyone had a few days off, for themselves to spend the time with their families or just relax in London.

It was already dark and almost ten PM was on the clock when Zayn jumped on the bed with a loud groan, overwhelmed by the scent of home, but the most important... the scent of his lover. Lately, things weren't going so well. The Irish boy often started fights about all the rumors with "Zerrie" and the British boy blindly stood by Perrie's side, saying that's just how it has to be.

This time, it was different. They both argued so bad that it ended up with shouts, tears and the door slamming close.

That's why Zayn took a deep breath, when his shaking hand reached for his phone. He slowly unlocked it, narrowing his eyes when the light from the screen blinded him and he eventually pressed the icon that informed him about the new message. On the phone's screen there was a list of the people Zayn texted with, Niall's name appearing on the top of it. 

Zayn swallowed the lump in his throat, blinking quickly with his eyelids to get rid of  the tears filling his eyes. First words of the text were written on the screen before Zayn decided to open the whole message.

Zayn, don't get me wrong... I really care about you, but...

The British boy cursed mentally. Why is always there some but's? Why can't anything be simple, not complicated, without any misunderstoods, fights and problems?

Zayn shook his head, finally taking a deep breath and he dared to open the message.

Zayn, don't get me wrong... I really care about you, but I don't know if I want to continue this. Because the thing we're living now with, it's not like the old days... I'm sorry that I'm saying it by SMS, but you didn't pick the phone, and even didn't make yourself to open the door for me. I don't know what to think. I bet you were too busy fucking Perrie to hear the sound of the doorbell! Okay, never mind... I just... I want to end this, Zayn. See you, whenever.

Zayn felt the tears come to his eyes, but this time he didn't fight with them. He let them slowly leave wet marks on his cheeks, to get to his jaw, and after a while, to drip on his shirt. The boy opened his mouth slightly, and he let out a sob. The way Zayn hated himself at that moment was indescribable.

The boy wanted to disappear. Just like that - diappear, to not bother anyone else in their life, to not be a problem to anyone else, to not steat anyboy's happiness and make that person suffer. But he knew that it didn't work like that. He knew that he had to finally get himself together and show Niall that Perrie is not nearly as important as him. He had to show him that Niall is the meaning of life, the sun on a cloudy day, and the one Zayn never get bored with.

He knew, but however, he didn't got up from his bed. He knew, but didn't stop another tears or sobs escaping from his mouth. At this moment, he just had to get out all the emotions and tears seemed to be the best option. He didn't care that je probably looked terrible and could scare people on Halloween, no. To make himself even more down, he imagined that Niall kisses him on the forehead for the last time, smiling sadly, walking out of his apartment. He imagined that Niall was gone. That he isn't there to wrap arms around Zayn and hug him that tight that it makes Zayn's head spin and feel a pleasant warmth in his chest. He imagined that he would have to get used to sleeping alone, without any kisses from the Horan boy - these delicate, sensitive kisses which Niall always placed on Zayn's entire face - on his forehead, temples, nose, cheeks, chin, jaw , before finally gently touched his lips, thinking that the tan boy has fallen asleep.

It all made ​​Zayn jump out of bed, furiously wiping tears away from her cheeks. He could not let that happen! It all made him realize how much he loves Niall. He realized that he is able to do everything for him.

He quickly ran out of the room, threw on a leather jacket and, after closing the apartment with a key, he ran down the stairs and outside, nearly knocking over some old lady. He went to the car, taking hasty steps and soon, he drove toward to the nearest jewelry stores. He was aware of the seriousness of the situation, but he was ready. For the first time in a long time, his heart, and mind were agreeing with the decision of the black-haired boy.

After a couple of minutes, the car was parked in front of one of the most expensive jewelers and Zayn was wandering around, trying to find something suitable. Nothing caught his attention for loner. But, finally, when the black-haired boy wanted to give up, he noticed that one special ring for Niall. It was made ​​of pure gold, and blue, oval diamond surrounded the silver decoration. Without much thinking, he called one of the store employees to pack this ring in a small box.

After a few moments, Zayn drove his car to be parked at the park, near a small lake, where he and Niall had their first date. The boy smiled up at the memory of the evening.

After a phone call to Harry and literally begging him to bring the Irishman over the lake, Zayn took a few deep breaths.

What if Niall hates him now and don't want to know him and especially to see and meet with Zayn? What if Niall will laugh at Zaya and will shout in his face, what a pathetic jerk he is? Maybe even Harry will start to laugh?

The Englishman shook his head, looking around, and his heart sank seeing the perfect figure blond boy in the distance, which waved to the boy with locks, muttering something under his breath. It seemed that Harry had done waht Zayn asked him for. Zayn immediately bit his lower lip, and his eyes went down as the box began to get  strangely heavier and heavier in the back pocket.

"So? What do you want? Harry said it was important..." Niall sighed, looking doubtfully at Zayn, when he finally came to face him.

"I ..." Zayn cleared his throat, trying to control his voice.  "I would like to apologize to you." He said quietly, and one of his hands went to take the one belonging to Niall. "Apologize for all the times when I ignored you for Perrie, when I didn't answer phone calls, didn't reply on your the text messages, and even when I didn't open the door. I'm an idiot, I know that. A big idiot. I don't even have any explaination for why I did all of this - I'm so stupid, you know? I think got too caught up in pretending ..." The black-haired boy dared to look up, meeting the deep blue eyes that he got lost in not once.  "But there's one thing I'm sure of. You're the one I love, Niall. You had for me so much of fucking patience, and I couldn't even appreciate it. You're the one that spent night, waiting until I get back from a meeting with Perrie. That's you, as the only one who found a way intto my heart ..." Zayn knelt on one knee, his eyes on Niall, still holding his hand. The blonde-haired boy looked like he was going to pass out, and tears filledup his eyes when he noticed a small box in Zayn's otehr hand.  "And you want to spend the rest of my life. Therefore, Niall, will you marry me?"

The tan boy watched the Irishman who wasn't saying until  he threw his arms around Zayn's neck with a soft cry, causing the older boy wavered and they landed on the grass.

"God, Zayn, I ... Yes! Yes, I will marry you! God! I love you so much!" Niall sobbed into Zayn's shoulder.

"I love you too, Niall." Zayn whispered. "I love you the most in the world."

Ziall One Shot - Got too caught up in pretending [PL/ENG]Where stories live. Discover now