Am I like Shane?

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Now...I have to organize my ideas. I can't love Austin because he has a girlfriend. I just can believe that I have to over him.

I was in History class, I was so bored. I started checking again my messages with Austin. I just love him a little bit more every time I read them.

Becky was sitting next to me, Gege and Tina were behind us. Becky just turn to me and show me a tweet from a girl that I don't even know who was, but I made my surprise face and continue reading Austin's messages. Becky took my phone, and made a real surprise face. "Emms why you talked yesterday to Austin?", she whispered. "Umm... Actually he was the one who started..." "Shut up", she interrupted "You know he has a girlfriend, you can't continue loving him Emms" I just looked at her with a sad face for a while, then I spoke. "Becky, I don't love him, and don't even like him" yeah sure..."He is just my friend." She look at me with a disappointed face.

In that moment an eraser hit my head. I looked back, Tina and Gege were laughing. "Ouch guys! that was rude." I turn around and look Becky. "I'm not doing anything wrong..." I said. "Honey, I know it is hard, but you have to over him; he has a girlfriend, and I'm sure he loves her. Relationships are made by two, don't be the third one." "I just want to be his friend."I said almost crying. "No, you don't. I know you very good. You are going to be like Shane, from "My Wattpad Love", and no ones wants that. You want to confuse Austin." I was going to cry in any second. Another eraser hit my head, but this time, I got a lot of emotions on me so, I took the stupid eraser, I turned around and threw it to Gege, but this silly boy moved very fast, and the eraser hit Nicole Barclaire, that was sitting behind Gege. Oh no!

She looked at me, wanting maybe to kill me or I don't know. I said "Umm sorry, it wasn't for you." She just took the eraser and put it on her desk. "How mature... Grow up Emma, you are not ten anymore." I just looked at her for a while, wanting to go and kick her face, and I turned around.

Becky still looking at her. "Let her, she is just a... ugh... I have no words." Becky looked at me, "I know that you already got my point, but if you continue talking with Austin you are not going to be like Jerkpid (Shane,"My Wattpad Love"), you are going to be like Bartch" That words really really hurt, Bartch, was our nickname to Nicole, Bar, from Barclaire, and -tch, from the word b*tch. Well, the point was that when Becky said that I felt like if someone took my heart out of my chest, kick it, and threw it to a garbage can. "I can't believe you just said that, but well, you are right..." I felt in that moment like if a rock just hit my head. I turned around and looked Nicole. She was smiling, "Everything in this life comes back Emma, haha karma."

I wanted to stand up and punch her so bad, "Grow up Nicole." I smile and turn around. Thanks God, the bell rang.

Becky and I went to the parking, we live in the same street, so we take the same bus. Nicole and her sister also live in the same street, how lucky.

When I arrived home, mom was cooking, cleaning, and almost dying because of the stress. "Mom, what's going on here?" She ignored me. "MOM!"

She looked at me, "Hi sweety, I'm sorry, but your sisters Claire and Katty, and Richard are coming tonight!" "REALLY? YAY!" I missed them so much. "Well, now help me Emma, I need to clean thus house." I started helping her, I was so excited that they were coming home.


This chapter was kind of short, sorry.

I want to dedicate this to @whosdani bc she is just an exc writer!

thanks everyone for supporting! <3 <3

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