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I got up and went to school. Just like any other shitty day in my hell hole school. I only have 3 friends and the rest of the school hates me. I don't have any classes with 2 of them. And I only have 1 class with the other one.

My classes got switched because I used to be smart and in the advance math class. But I'm dumb now and they are switching my classes. the friend who I have a class with is Brianna. I guess I have 2 classed with her now that my schedule is flipped.

I go to social studies and I try to sit next to one of the people I know and tolerate, Beth. I sit by her in sience and we talk about guy/girl problems. I'm lesbian. I've dated 1 girl and no guys. I don't even think I like guys at all.... anyway, Mr Gratz wouldn't let me sit by Beth so he sat me behind a guy named Tristan. He, unlike me, is super talkative. oh well. I guess it could be worse. I could sit by a prep or something. I'm so anti social it's unhealthy.

About a week goes by and I get to know him better. I find out he is dating someone in the super dramatic group. Kirsten. Ugh. oh well I guess. They were dating for about 4 months. I actually don't have a problem with her.

About 2 weeks pass and we become like best friends. Even tho I've only known him for awhile it feels like forever. He taught me to open up more. We both shared our life story. He really understands me. Both our dads are drunken asswholes.

...except his is abusive.

I sneak out with him, some of his friends, and my sister. We go spray paint the highschool and meet a stranger. Like dumbasses we sit down right under the only security camera on the highschool campus. Earlier we had seen some tweaker guy but we thought he ran off. I am an idiot and everyone was giving me signals that this was the tweaker guy and I didn't catch any of him. So I sat and talked about like to some tweaker guy for like 3 hours at like 2a.m.

We got caught and got in trouble. oh well. it was fun.

Not to be a hoe or anything but I think I'm starting to like him. I don't even know what to do. He has a girlfriend and I don't want any drama so I'm not gonna do anything. I talk to Beth and my sister about all the conversations I've had with him and they both thought it was flirting. I see know he does flirt with me. Plus, what the hell? I thought I was completely lesbian.

Pretty soon I start giving up on my feelings for him and I like another girl. He is still my best friend so he helps me date her. I sat her for a about 2 weeks. All the while trying to help him keep his relationship together. his girlfriend treats him like shit but he loves her so I'm just gonna help him be happy. While I'm dating my new girlfriend and helping Tristans relationship, I also am being accused of being in love with him. ShitShitShit!. I play it chill and completely deny it. It turns out his girlfriend hates me and started that rumor.
Wow. Phsycotic bitch.

I end up breaking up with my girlfriend when she starts thinking I like him. If you can't trust me then I don't want you any way. Whatever. it wasn't a super serious relationship. Life goes on.

Tristan and his girlfriend break up. He doesn't act sad about it.

His friend Rico and I sneak out and meet up with him at the tennis courts by the highschool. Away from the security camera of course. The three of us walk around. we sit under a playground and Tristan plays on my phone while Rico fucks around on the playground above us. We start walking around again. We end up seating back into Tristans house and watch lilo and stich. Ik. I'm not 8 and I probably should stop with the little kid movies but I love that movie. Rico passed out for like 3 hours. Me and Tristan cuddled and watched a movie. He started falling asleep so I poked his faced. and told him not to fall asleep. But he kept dosing off so I did that over and over again. He just kept saying he wasn't going to..... then...... we were like an inch from kissing. I backed up and this is how our conversation went:
M(me)● I want to kiss you but I'm just scared you don't actually like me.
T(tristan) ● But I do.
M● No Tristan.. your just hurt over Kirsten and your confused
..................then we made out.... not like an extreme make out session or anything cause we're both virgins. but you know. kissing alot.

He held me close and took off his pants. HAHAHA I got you! ha. he was wearing basketball shorts under sweatpants. he just took the sweat pants off. ha! you have to admit I got you good.

*pay attention to the next detail*

Rico woke up and before he went home, he thought Christian was naked cause he was wearing shorts and the rest of him was under the blanket.

*that was important cause I'm gonna need advice*

We of course showed we weren't naked. Anyway. He went home and I cuddled with tristan for awhile longer. I thought about it too and I wasn't technocally doing anything wrong. We were both single.
>I'm not being a hoe right? comment here please.<

We got up and he walked me home.

that happened on spring break but when we went back to school a week later..... he took her back.

It was awful. All I wanted to do was die. ugh.. my life was over.

they've been back together for like a month now. He still flirts with me in class and talks to me about like everything. But I don't trust Rico... and you know why? *remember that detail?* His girlfriend is accusing me of (word for word) "sleeping naked with tristan" remember when I said tat Rico though we were naked? Rico was the only one who knew about watching the movies and cuddling. he didn't know about the kissing even but he did think we were naked. I didn't say anything and neither did tristan. It was Rico. so now the dramatic group at school sits and talks shit about me for something that didn't happen.

Tristan and I still flirt but we aren't as close friends as we used to be. oh well. that's my story. there might be more if something else happens. I'll let you know if something else happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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