Chapter Two

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 " Hey Mia, do you think we would still be able to hang out once you start college in four days" Chris asked with a hint of sadness hidden within her voice on the verge of tears. Damn I can't believe that it has been a week already."Aw Christine of course we will be able to still hang out like always just not on certain days. But never forget if you need me no matter what time it is, CALL me okay?" I said to Chris with the most intimidating voice that I can summon at the time. Chris might not know that I care for her as if she was my little sister. I might yell at her or give her a lot of attitude but it's all for a reason. I want to see her succeed in life and not just trying to get through life on minimum age like her mother.

"Okay Mia, I will. I love you" my best friend managed to say through the tears that was rolling down her face. "I love you too and so does Rena, don't you ever forget that" I said to Chris as I wiped the tears off her face. I gave her one last smile before I started heading towards my car. God that girl can be such a drama queen. I'm only one hour away but that's my best friend for ya.

Before I turn on 175, I called to check up on my other insanely crazy friend. "Hey hey" I said to Rena once she picked up her phone on the second ring. "Hey I was wondering when your ass was going to finally call and check up on me. It's been three days, something could have happened to me" Serena said trying not to laugh but fail terribly. "Yea yea I was giving you time to decorate your dorm, you know how you are when you're focused." There was a slight silence on the other end before I heard her say "touche my nigga....TOUCHE" Rena said before we both started to laugh as if there was no tomorrow. God I'm going to miss her with her damn smart responses to everything.

"Soooo, how's Cali? No crazy ass roommates right" I asked before getting off an exit in Norcross."FUCK NO!!! I'm so happy my roommate is chill as fuck because if the bitch was crazy and tried to pull some shit on my, then I would have killed a bitch" Serena said causing me bust into a fit laughter making people around me stare. I apologize and proceeded into Quicktrip to pay for gas and some snacks. "I swear you're crazy. I might even have to put you in an asylum when i come and visit" I tell my friend as I grabbed some snacks for the road and got into to this long ass line. " Whatever. You know you love me, but anyways how did Chris act once you left. Was she being OVERLY dramatic" Rena asked me with amusement laced in her voice.

A heavy sigh left my lips before answering her question,"You already know, this is Chris we're talking about here" I snickered once I answered her question remembering Chris face when she ran into my room this morning. "Classic Chris but-" there was silence n her end for while  before I heard Rena curse under her breath. "Sorry babe but I have to go. UCLA is having this 'Welcome to UCLA' party for the freshmen class. Love you, I'll facetime you tomorrow okay?" I could hear the regret in her voice. Even though I didn't want her to go, I  had to let her go. "Okay love you too . Have fun and BE CAREFUL," I put emphasis on "be careful" because I know how she gets when it comes to parties. She's like a female version of Kevin but 10 times worst.


Finally, I made it on campus and the first person I saw was Kevin's ass running towards me like the people do in movies when they haven't seen their "lover" in years. Although he tried to portray that little moment you see in the movies....his clumsy ass fell face first on the lawn in front of the freshmen dormitory. I know when you see your friend fall you're suppose to go and help them....but me being me, I laughed my ass OFF!!! It took me a while to gather myself before I can go assist my drama queen of a friend.

Once I approached Kevin, he had the biggest "I'm going to fucking kill you" look that it kinda scared me. Just a little. As Kevin stood up, he resume his original action before he fell. "Hey sweetheart" Kev said as he embrace me into a bone crushing hug. Once I stabilized my breathing, I hugged him back. " Hey Kevie bear" I said using the little pet name that I gave him knowing he absolutely hate the living shit out of that name.

Kevin pulled away from me with a look of disgust written all over his adorable face. "Mia what did I say about that damn nickname" Kevin whined causing a scene like always. Typical Kevin, just TYPICAL. "Get over it Kevin you'll get use to it" I said with a smirk knowing he'll just has to deal with it. "Anyways" I said while rolling my eyes, sometimes he's even worse then Chris dramatic ass."Did you meet your roommate" I asked Kev with a little too much excitement. "Oh.My. GOD girl yesss and he is fine as fuck" Kev said drooling over the mere thought of his new roommate for the year.

"Kevin you can't do shit.I bet you he's straight not strictly dickly like you" I told my friend with a knowing look. As Kevin walking with me into my dorm hall he scuff thinking about my previous statement about his new found crush. "I can change him. Just give me three months then all he'll be thinking about is me and my ass waiting" Kevin stated while he attempted to twerk. key work ATTEMPTED. By the time we made it to my floor, Kevin has this creepy ass smirk on his face and I knew that the  wheels were turning in that little head of his.

As we approached my dorm room, my anxiety got the best of me. I couldn't wait any longer, I was to excited to meet my roommate. Once the door opened I was met with this beautiful brunette with a nice hourglass shape for a white girl. "Hey you must be Mia. I'm Taylor , Taylor Grey" my roommate said sticking her hand out for me o shake it. " Hi nice to meet you Taylor. This is Kevin my best friend. You'll be see a lot of him" I said the Taylor laughing as they both shook hands.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm starving. You guys wanna go grab some lunch, I know this place in midtown" Taylor asked the both of us. Kevin and I looked at each other before saying "Hell Yea" in unison.


"Mmmm, this is freaking amazing" I groan in pure bliss as I ate another bit of my steak sandwich from Henry's Midtown Tavern. How come I've never heard of this place. I'm always in midtown because that's where my mom's office is located. But at least I know about this place now.

"I swear this is heaven" Kevin said looking at is food as if he as in trance. " I know. This is my favorite place to go when I'm in Atlanta" Taylor said before devouring the rest of her roasted half chicken.

" So what do you guys want to do after we're done because I'm not trying to go-" before I could finish my question, my phone went off. Excusing myself from the table, I walked outside of Henry's into the hot Atlanta heat. "Hey pumpkin I was just checking up on you. How are you?" My mom asked sounding as if she just got out yet another meeting. " Hey mom I'm good. Are you okay you sound exhausted, let me guess another meeting ?" The only thing I heard on the other end was my mom's soft laughter. " Yea you guessed it, but good news. I'm coming home in three days and my boss given me a week off, so we can have some mommy daughter time. How about a spa day?" my mother asked like she was a child in the Willy Wonka Factory. " No can do mom. I want you to get your rest okay. Don't worry about me right now , I'm fine" I told my mom knowing that she was smiling because of what I said. " Okay honey. Mommy loves you and be careful. Bye." "Bye mom love you too' I said before hanging up.

This is going to be rough for her. Me, her only daughter now in college and no longer living under her roof. Sighing I looked up at the sky as the sunset washed over the city with its beauty. Man this is a beautiful sight.

After standing outside looking at the sky for a few minutes, I decided that it would be a good idea to go back and join my friends inside Henry's before Kevin start some shit.

As I'm walking back inside, I bumped into something,well someone. But without looking at who it was, I apologized and kept it moving.

"You good Mia" Kevin asked as his face scrunched up as the look of worry washed upon his face. I gave him a reassuring smile before answering his question. "Yea it was just my mom asking how I was doing and that she'll be home in three days" I told Kevin. "So what's the move?" I asked them both before Taylor could tell me the plan for tonight. " Well Drake, G-Eazy, Rihanna and Bryson Tiller are performing at Club Opera tonight. Wanna Go?"

"Fuck YEA" Kevin yelled before I could respond and gaining the attention of everyone in the restaurant.  

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