Ch.3: He Loves me

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"Devin he hates me doesn't he? I like Sean but he likes Jordyn and I'm so frecking jealous of her." I asked Devin replied with "No why would Sean hate you. Kait turn around really slowly."
Sean looked so hurt. "Sean no please I... Didn't mean it like that." I cried as soon as Lucas saw me crying he hugged me. Sean just ignored me on the ride home, and when I tried to lean my head on his shoulder he pulled away. I just cried. I want Sean to stop ignoring me and to stop liking Jordyn.
"Kait I don't like Jordyn ok! I don't like her!" Sean yelled in my face which made me more hurt. "Than who do you like Sean! Don't ignore me Sean Simon Cavaliere! Don't you dare ignore me!" I yelled back.
"Do you really want to know?" Sean asked me and I just nodded. Sean and I got closer together and he kissed me and I kissed him back.
"I love you Kait, okay Kait I love you so much" Sean said to me and I replied with "I love you too Sean, and I'm glad my first kiss was with you." He didn't say anything back but he just kissed me.

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