
Everyone has problems. Everyone has to solve these problems. Everyone has to deal with these problems, either alone or with someone.

In my case, I don't. I just let problems surround me, I don't really care. I don't like the fact that I have to actually make an effort to fix something I'm not responsible for, cause I wouldn't have problems if I wasn't alive, right? If I didn't exist, right?

When people have problems, they're always told that "When life hits you in the face, you fight back" but for me it's "When life hits me in the face, I just let it torture me until I fall asleep". When life gives me problems, my only response is that. . . . . . . . . .

I don't care. I don't care if I'm surrounded by problems. I don't care that I have no one. I don't care that my life is falling appart. I just don't care.

Life isn't fair, and I refuse to learn that the hard way. That's why I give up, because I don't want to experience that everything I've worked for, everything I put my heart and soul into was all for nothing.

I've shut everyone out, because I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to hurt anyone with all my ridiculous choices.

I witnessed the person I loved come so far being in his high position, to just fall because of just one thing that I still can't understand.

I saw his life fall appart in moments. And I refused to be like him, he took his own life and that's when my life fell appart, that's when I started to shut people out. That's when I locked myself up. Alone in this freezing place.
That's why I took my life.

There shouldn't be anyone like me. People should solve their problems. People should fight back when life hits them.

but sometimes I still think, wouldn't it be better to take your life on your own than let someone or something else have the joy of doing it.

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