|| drift away (Minghao's)

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Day of the recording

7:52 p.m. Monday

"Ya. Let Myungho do that part." said Seungcheol hyung to Jihoon hyung.

Jihoon hyung nodded.

"This era must highlight The8 himself! Whooooo!!!!" Hoshi hyung said loudly.

I just smiled.

Its our recording in Shining Diamonds Performance Version.

Actually it doesn't contain much singing parts. Its a performance version, it must have upbeats for dancing.

After the recording in 'Shining Diamonds', we proceeded to record 'Drifted Away'

I sat and wait for my turn.

Jeonghan hyung was the first to record.

While recording...

I couldn't help but notice that Seungcheol hyung was sending out hearts.

And always saying "잘한다..." (Good job)

Even though Jeonghan hyung couldn't see that, I think he knows what Coups hyung is doing.

After Jeonghan hyung's part finished, Seungcheol hyung went in with Jeonghan hyung and sang together playfully.

I just went along and laughed.

I maybe quiet and all but it doesn't mean I don't notice this.

Its pretty obvious.

The way Jun hyung told me that one time...

I can't explain it clearly in korean.

I think the members feel the same way about what's going on with those two.


Just laugh it off Myungho.

Mini heart

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