Chapter 23

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He showed us the picture of my house in his phone.
"is it your house princess" Aiden held me from side. "yes, it's her house" Nick whispered.

I slowly took the phone from Andrew with tears in my eyes "my home" I whispered, I couldn't stop now I cried out loud holding that picture close to heart. "princess" Aiden rubbed my back trying to calm me down "shh, don't cry please" I cried in his arms holding him tightly.

"Andrew did you see her? Did you talk to her?" Mr. Winston asked him.

"yeah dad, I have seen her. Actually, after listening from Michael, I wanted to make sure that he's telling truth so I asked him to show me that girl, he was drunk and didn't suspect anything before taking me with him. Later that night I went to Alice's house with him, Robert was not there since he went somewhere else.

They were hiding in that house as no one could think about that house. That night when I saw her, she's was tired, fully bruised. I wanted to ask her what happened but before I could reach her Michael took me out saying Robert was coming and we have to get out.
From that day I'm stayed him to know about their plans. Today he sent a message to Alice, it was sent by Michael I was with him at that time. I know you will be terrified so I got time and made some excuse to meet you guys and let you know everything and help you. That's why I'm here" he finished explaining us everything and looked at me, I can see guilt and sorrow in his eyes he was saying truth, he's really changed.

I went near him and hugged him "thank you for helping us" he gently patted my back.

"you have showed me the goodness in life, that day when I saw my daughter who was frightened because of me, it made me realize that I was a bastard. After that incident I wanted to come over but I didn't find courage to do that" he was in tears "daddy" lily pulled his hand.

I smiled at her "daddy don't cry" she pulled him down and wiped his tears "I forgive you" she smiled showing her small teeth, she's so adorable and kind heart maybe she got that from her mom.

Andrew held her in his arms and started crying "I'm sorry baby, daddy scared you so much, I'm so sorry. I promise to always love you, you'll always be my princess" he kissed her all over her face making her giggle and kiss him back Aiden went to him and hugged him, Mary and Mr. Winston were happy to see them together, while Kate and Sam hugged them.

"okay guys stop this cute family meeting now, we need to get crystal back" Nick groaned "yeah that's right" Kate and Sam pulled away from the brothers. "lily go with grandma and sleep, we need to talk sweetheart" Andrew kissed her forehead and settled her down. She ran to Mary and they went upstairs.

"so, does Michael doesn't know that you're here?" Mr. Winston asked Andrew and he smirked "dad, you know that I'm your son, I have some brain here" he pointed his head making us laugh as his father rolled his eyes at his older son.

"ok ok tell us" Nick once again snapping us back to the topic "well, before coming here I told him that I'm going to meet a friend who can help us find Alice, so he told me to meet him tomorrow at our place, which is a bar where we always go" he explained us.

"so, you made a excuse, to meet us, but we can change that as a plan" Nick said "what plan?" Blake asked him.
"since they don't know who is his friend, we can make someone among us to act like his friend and make him believe that he is near to Alice and he might lead us to their hide out." Nick said.

"that's a good idea, but who's going to act like that" Blake looked confused "it's you buddy" Aiden smirked "what???no!!!" he yelled.

"yeah, Aiden is right, only you can do that" Sam said and patted his shoulders" are you going to send your boyfriend to a war zone, don't you love me" he whined like a small baby.

"stop being a baby Blake, you're the only person they didn't see yet" Sam pulled his ears "ouch women, you're cruel" he yelled.

"she's right, Blake is the only one whom they didn't see yet. They know Nick and dad, they even saw me and Sam at mall, and finally they had known Aiden too" Kate said and we all nodded.

"fine I'll do it" Blake huffed and stood up "so what's next?" he asked Nick.

"first we need you to meet Michael along with Andrew and act like you hate us and you want to help them, because you want money and don't even like Sam" Nick said to Blake "uhuu, okay I guess" he shrugged.

"then, meanwhile Nick and Aiden will ran errands near Alice's house to check the number of people guarding the house and plan the time to attack" Mr. Winston said.

"I'll be at home and I have assigned some of my people here, I'll also have my team to get all the cases about Robert Roux." we all nodded at his commands.

"okay for now get some sleep guys, we need to do a lot of things tomorrow" Sam yawned and pulled Blake with her. We all stood up and moved upstairs."Aiden" he turned towards me "where is Max?" he sighed "he said he needs some fresh air, so he went out for a drink".
"what? How can go for a drink, when we all are worried sick about his girlfriend" I asked him.
"princess he's just worried a lot, give him time, he will be back by morning" Aiden kissed me and laid me on my bed. I sighed and pulled Aiden to bed with me "stay here" I whispered, he nodded and got into bed holding me tight "everything will be fine baby, sleep well" I snuggled closer to him and fell asleep in his warm embrace.

I wish everything's going to be alright.....

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