You pinky swore you wouldn't tell

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This is my first story on wattpad! :D :D 

So take a read at the first chapter and let me know what you think as to whether or not I should write a chapter or not.

Thankyou and I will be happy to read any constructive critisism you have for me.

Love, Tilly xox


I thought back to the days when everything was perfect, my whole family spoke to each other, my best friend lived next door and I was the top of all my classes. But, things change, people change and my life changed completely. I went from having 2 parents, an older brother and the best friend in the world to having, 1 parent who I never see, an older brother that acts more like a father than my real one does and an ex-best friend who still lives next door but by choice I never go and see him. I have a bank account that holds $12,000 which helps pays for the things me and my older brother need to survive, but $12,000 doesn't last long, if my father doesn't come back or give us any money soon, we could very well be living on the streets this time next month. My brother Jayden has just turned 19 and goes to the college 20 minutes away from our house, he is studying to be a psychologist which means at the moment he isn't making any money because he is spending all of his time concentrating on his studies. Me, I have a part time job at the local bakery where I work every Saturday from 10am – 3pm which gets me a mere $50 a week which pays for the weekly groceries.

We tend to save what I have in my bank account for bigger things like the bills and any doctors appointments we need to pay for. My bank account balance is now down to $457 which would have been able to pay the bills for the next 2 or 3 months but a problem fell in our way. When our dad stopped coming home he said that he would pay the school fee's but, other than that we are and I quote, “stuffed, and good luck making it to 20”, you can tell our dad loves us. Obviously, just recently he changed his mind and stopped paying the school fees therefore we need to come up with $450 for this term. Which means in my bank account I only have $7 left. I offered to my brother that I get another job but he refused to let me do that and told me that we would get around this and work out some other way. He prefers that I work on my schooling more than trying to help out with money and things at home, he wants me to get a good education like he did because it wasn't my fault that mum died leaving dad miserable and drunk.

3 years ago mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and a rare heart disease giving her only 3 months to live, we spent every day with her while we could but when she passed on it was still a shock to all of us, Jayden and I moved on a little faster than dad because mum told us to go on with our lives and do her proud. 6 months after mums death dad started to stay out late with his mates where they would get drunk at 6pm and keep drinking till 2am sometimes almost drinking themselves to death, my dad is diagnosed as an alcoholic and is supposed to attend “alcoholics anonymous” meetings every Sunday at 4pm but instead he goes out drinking. Jayden and I have no control over him so there is no use trying to force him to go, even though he is like that he is still our dad and we love him. But, to this day Jayden swears that if dad ever lays a hand on either of us he will call the police and get him sent to jail.

We live in a two storey house on Miranda Avenue in Sassafrass its just a little town not much in it but enough to keep us happy, on our right we have the Johnson's, they have 3 kids all under the age of 10 the youngest being 2. They have it hard sometimes trying to control them but they manage, they even bake us some food every now and again. On our left are the Lambert's they have a daughter, Stacey who is 6 and who I often babysit sometimes to get some extra money, Mrs. Lambert is lovely and I have known her for as long as I can remember, she feels sorry for us and knows about our situation so she often finds ways to give us some extra cash hoping that I don't notice, but I do. It's not every day that you get paid $300 for babysitting for 7 hours. They also have a son who is my age, Tyler, but I don't talk to him much any more, we used to be best friends but all that changed after my mum died. His mother says he will come around, so does my brother, but I don't think that he will any time soon. We may have been friends for 13 years but I guess some things are for the better. Even if I did want to be his friend again I don't think I would be able to, I don't really have time for friends around trying to save money and studying.

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