Chapter 3

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One week, it's been one week since Sinbad had let Ja'far and Rune stay. When Ja'far had first came and explained the situation, Sinbad insisted that they stay and it sounded like it wasn't up for discussion.

Ja'far mentally sighed at how persistent the man was but shook it off, since then, there had been no sign of the men that attacked Jafar. The one's that attacked Rune however were still being held captive.

Ja'far was now in Sinbad's study, reading a few books and scrolls that were on the shelves. He would occasionally look up to see if Sinad was working. That was a thing Ja'far took note of, the man really didn't like paper work and would think of just about any excuse to get out of it.

Once he was satisfied that Sinbad was working, he went back to the book he was reading.

Sinbad let out a sigh as he looked at what was left of the paper work. He swore it was mocking him! It didn't help that Ja'far had threaten not to give him food for the rest of the day if he didn't do it either. But how could he focus with such a rare sight sitting across from him.

Yes, Ja'far was a beautiful rare sight.

He would often get distracted and his gaze would wander to the other.

Of course Ja'far would crack a book across his head if he knew what he was thinking. But still Ja'far intrigued him. He was quiet, to the point where you couldn't hear him breath or walk across the room. He had a certain type of aura around him as well, it was as if you got too close you'd be in danger, and Sin liked it.

Ja'far closed the book he was reading and put it back on the shelf. He headed toward the heavy set doors and turned to look at Sinbad. "I'm going out." He stated simply and walked out. He didn't know why he told him that. He could have just walked out, but then the idiot king would question him.

Yes, idiot king, Ja'far's nickname for the older man.

He folds his hands together under the sleeves of the robe he was given. He kind of liked it, it was roomy and easy to maneuver around. Not to mention he had his weapons in it. He makes his way through the long halls to his room. On the second day he had managed to make a mental map of the whole palace. To the front gates to the purple tower and back.

He slows his place down when he hears voices coming from around the corner. If he was right then it had to be two of the generals, Drakon and Hinahoho. He rounds the corner and are met with the two. "Hinahoho, Drakon." He greets with a tip of the head. The two greeted him as well.

He remember when he first met each general. They seemed more than happy to accept Ja'far and Rune here. A few greetings (massive hugs in Hinahoho's place) were given while he was introduced to each of them.

Hinahoho seemed very friendly, besides his massive and intimidating size, he seemed a good person. He also seemed to love children, since he called Rune cute and called his children over and began to play with all of them.

Drakon, was what made the gears in his head turn upon seeing the like man, he didn't judge though. Rune on the other hand didn't have a problem since he went to the man and opening his jaws asking, "Is it real?" In return Drakon breathed a mouthful of fire, amusing himself at the boy's reaction from behind Ja'far.

Spartos was quiet, Ja'far came to the conclusion that he was shy, but friendly.

Yamraiha, the blue haired magician seemed to have on hell of a mouth on her when she was going head to head with the one called Sharrkan. The two seemed to be like a married couple to him, fighting about which is better, Magic or Swords. That was until Ja'far said there was a magic sword named Excalibur. Both of them went silent and Sinbad and Hinahoho burst out laughing at their facial expressions.

Masrur, the Fanalis was quiet like Spartos, but Rune took an immediate liking to him anyway. Calling him "Brother" before the other could say anything. Masrur only nodded and shared his grill fish with him.

Pitsi, the little girl (so he thought) was quite fond of Spartos, and was often seen with a huge bird creature. She seemed to like Rune as well.

Ja'far concluded that they were a weird bunch and he was being sucked right into it.

"So," Hinahoho starts," Do you like it here?" The Imuchakk stares at him,waiting for an answer. Ja'far shrugged a shoulder. "It'll take some getting used to." He said truthfully. Drakon nods. "Feel free to talk to any of us."

Once Ja'far was in his room he begins to undress and heads a dresser. He didn't bring any clothes with him except for the one's he came in. He puts on the pants and the dark shirt. After that he ties his belt on his waist and around his stomach. There were straps on it, just incase he needed to carry any extra weapons or trinkets. He didn't use other weapons because his main ones did the job. Although he did keep a few other weapons hidden in his attire.

Nest he grabs the heavy boots and begins to lace them up. He puts on the cream cloak and grabs the metalic box out the dresser. He puts everything back neatly, he didn't want to leave any traces or clues.

He jumps out the balcony window and makes his way through the courtyard.

Ja'far makes it through the busy streets, people were working, shouting, children were running around and he could see most stands were being decorated. Was something going to happen today? Maybe another festival? He shakes his head.

He takes a gold coin into his palm and makes his way to a stand with a bowl of fruit in the open. He places the coin on the counter and takes a mango and continues walking foward. He takes a generous bite, taking in the sweet taste and heads to an alley. He continues walking slowing his pace down as he come to an old bar.

He feels a presence behind him and takes another bite of the mango and holds it out. "Vittel." He greets.

"Ja'far." He greets back and takes the fruit and bites into it. They both make their way into the abandoned shop, one would think in the inside it would be worn down like the outside but it was the complete opposite.

They both sit at a table and Ja'far props his feet on the table. "Good work on the slave trader." Vittel says, Ja'far gives a nod.

"The mark." Ja'far states to him. Vittel finishes the mango and nods. "The mark." He confirms.

"There are some weird people around. I don't know if they were tailing just me." Vittel nods at his statement. "I ran into one, they were strange, a woman exactly."

The door opens and a woman comes in. She takes a seat next to Vittel. "Amasis." The woman nods. "She was here when the woman was tailing me."

Ja'far takes his feet down and sits up. "I thought you were in Balbadd." He says to her. She nods and takes off her hood, showing her sun-kissed skin and silver hair. "I was but I finished what I needed to do."

Ja'far nods. "The one I came in counter with was a man. Also," He gives the box to Amasis. She takes it and puts it in her pocket. "I need them repaired."

"Were there any remains?" She asks, and once again the image of the man eating his weapon was in his head. "No." She nods. " He had a great amount of speed and strength." He says referring back to the present conversation. "The one we encountered had black armor and a war axe. Even though she was small for it she wielded it like it was nothing." Amasis tells him.

Ja'far stands up. "I guess we'll have to finish this another time." He grips the wires under his sleeves. All of them jumps from the table before it shatters into pieces.

"Also," Vittel says. "We need to kick these bastards' asses"

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