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Danielle's POV"So this ones wrong huh?" I asked Caely as she pointed out my wrong answers

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Danielle's POV
"So this ones wrong huh?" I asked Caely as she pointed out my wrong answers.
"Uh yea" Caely said so I circled it so I know to correct it.

We were currently at Barnes N Noble sitting at one of the higher tables in Starbucks and I was drinking a vanilla latte and Caely was drinking a Carmel one.

I grabbed the paper and Caely started to explain to me why I got the problems wrong and helped me understand them before we were finished with the work.

"Damn I'm so happy we're finished I think my heads about to explode from all that math" I said exasperated and Caely just giggled.
"Well at least we got the project done and we should get a 100% on it I assure you" she said confidently.
"Well of course we will with your smartness" I laughed.
"Are you implying I'm a nerd" she asked putting a hand over her heart.
"Maybe" I said giggling.
"Hey!" She said slapping my shoulder lightly.

We both laughed and earned a few curious looks from people in which looked away a minute later.

After my confession to Mia earlier about the Alex thing she hugged my tightly telling me I should probably tell him soon and then we hung out and annoyed Jacob before she had to go and I had to get ready to come here.

"So um see you Monday?" I asked and she nodded and sighed "yea I gotta go my parents want me home after this so I can babysit my sister so they can go out on a date" she explained rolling her eyes.

We parted ways and I got into my car and drove the short distance home. I walked inside and seen Jacob sitting on the couch watching a basketball game and shut the door announcing my arrival and you what? The ass didn't even glance my way he was that into the game.

I went into the living room and sat next to him and with out looking my way "Aunt Lily needs us to babysit Crystal for awhile her and John, mom and dad are going on a double date tonight" he explained "but I was hoping you could do it cause since it's Saturday night I was gonna go to Sophia's house" he said nervously.
"I wish you'd just realize she doesn't care about you and she's cheating on you" I rolled my eyes.
"Well I won't believe it till I see it" I said glaring at me.
"Whatever go to the bitches house I don't care" I growled.
"Looooove you" he said nudging me.
"Love you to" I muttered and he got up to get on a cleaner shirt.

I sighed shaking my head when he realizes it I'm gonna beat her ass and I'm just waiting because I know Jacob
Will find out soon it's only a matter of time before she's caught.

I grabbed my laptop and brung it downstairs since I didn't feel like being in my room and started watching Diabolik Lovers on Netflix.

An hour after Jacob left there was a knock on the door and my mother and father came down stairs dressed really nice.

Mom opened the door and there stood Lily and John and then little Crystal in her pajamas and she had a hello kitty bag probably cloths for tomorrow. She was also holding a teddy bear she called Charlie.

I paused the episode I was on and got up. "Hey is Crystal staying the night?" I asked bending down to her level and hugging her.

"If you want her to, I brung her cloths for tomorrow just in case you wanted her to" aunt Lily said smiling.
"Of course I do" I said standing up again.
"YAYYY!!!" Crystal squealed jumping up and down and clapping, Making us all laugh.
"Ok well we better get going if we're gonna make the reservation.

My mom kissed my head before they all headed out and I shut the door after waving one more time and locking the door.

"Well c'mon lets go have some fun shall we?" I asked Crystal holding my hand out to her.

"Hahaha yes fun!" She said grabbing my hand and skipping ahead. I laughed once again at how much energy she had and we ended up fixing popcorn and watching the movie Frozen for her sake.

She fell asleep closer to the end of the movie so I was stuck watching the rest and we'd already ate all the popcorn so I finished the movie before turning the tv off and putting the bowl in the kitchen before picking Crystal up and taking her to the guest room and tucking her and went to my room and put on my pajamas before going to sleep finally, feeling extremely exasperated.

The next morning i woke up to Crystal shaking me.
"Five more minutes" I mutter turning on my side and burying my head into my pillow.
"Noooo I need breakfast" Crystal whined shaking me more. I opened one eye and looked at her pouty face before making a decision "fine" my voice came out muffled but she heard it apparently and skipped away.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and wished I could have slept longer but then thought I could just take a nap later and replace the beautiful sleep I was having.

I walked downstairs and seen Crystal was already standing in the kitchen "what are wanting" I asked yawning.

"Eggs!" She said and I nodded pulling out 3 eggs and grabbing a pan and putting butter in it before cracking the eggs in it and waiting for them to start cooking.

When the eggs were done i put them on a plate and poured ketchup on the eggs how Crystal likes them and put them in front of her "voila! You have your eggs" I said in a French accent.

Crystal giggled and I grabbed my phone looking at it and seen I had a message from Alex.

Alex: Hey Beautiful😏
Me: hey:)
Alex: What's going on?
Me: nothing just fixed my cousin some eggs...
Alex: can we spend the day together? Like as friends?
Me: yea I don't have anything going on.
Alex: cool I'll be over in like an hour.
Me: ok see you then.

I shut my phone off and set it on the kitchen counter I was actually going to spend the day with the guy I could possibly be falling for.

------------ ^•^~~~~~~~
Hey guys hoped you enjoyed not really any Alex but more him in the next chapter!!!! Also i don't know if maybe I had a different name for Jacobs girlfriend Sophia but it's going to be that I tried to look for it but I can't find where it says her name so I thought maybe I didn't have a name for her so it's going to be Sophia anyway.

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-Love Jamie xoxo

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