:Ask the Cast of Naruto:..Episode 1 - The Tomato! Fruit or Veg!?

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Hey everyone!!! Yesh! A new series!! The questions are from G1N4 ^.^ Without her,I wouldn't be able to make this....thnx Gina!!!! Today we have 4 questions......first question;

Everyone: what is your ALL TIME FAVORITE type of-...wait for it....OH!...HERE IT COMES!!......VEGETABLE!

Interesting...mine would probably be...hm,I dunno O.o whut about you guys?

Ino; Mine would probably be cabbage..


Ino; I don't know...

Sakura; Bleh! I HATE cabbage...I don't have a favourite one...

Sasuke; Mine would probably be a tomato..

Sakura; Mine too ^^

Uh..you DO know that's a fruit,right? I think so atleas..from whut I read in Wiki...wasn't it a fruit AND vegetable..?

Sasuke; *shrug*

Oh well..the world shall never know....next question!!!

Everyone...again: Do you like anyone? like has anyone paired off yet?

I'm pretty sure that Naruto likes Sasuke...but Sasuke likes Itac-

Sasuke; *angry* I HATE ITACHI!!!!!!!!!

o.o sowwy...

Naruto; And I'm not gay! I'm bisexual,believe it!!

So,that pretty much means the same thing...but you also like girls as well -.-

Naruto; But I like girls,damit!

Then you'd be straight!!


*grin* and that,boys and girls of every ages is what bisexual means...um..next question I mean..;

Every-...you know the drill: what do you think about the basic plot of Shippuden?

*fan scream* It's awesum!!!

Sakura; The what now?

Oh,the things you guys are doing...it's the plot..ya know..?

Sasuke; I think it suckz! D:<

Only cuz you got a new fangirl xD

Sasuke; No...cuz I have to dress in such gay clothes! Gawd! The producers know I like black!


Sasuke; T.T *sulks in emo corner*

Naruto; I think it's great :D

Cuz you and Sakura went on a date?

Sakura; WHAT!!!!??????

*covering ears* Yeah..they probably got you drunk...NEXT QUESTION!! And last T.T

Kiba: Kiba! i just wanted to say.....WAIT FOR IT- OH FUCK IT! I FUCKING LOOOOOVE YOU!!!!! :3 :J ;D

Oh...no question..? Well,Kibz,you gots a fan


Akamaru; Bark! Bark! -.- {Translation; Will you people stop screaming! It's annoying! -.-}

Sorry Akamaru.....well,stay tuned for more ^^ Send me messages for questions or anything like that {so I can continue this damn thing -_-} and send feedback ;D PLEASE MESSAGE!!!!! DX

:Ask the Cast of Naruto:..Episode 1 - The Tomato! Fruit or Veg!?Where stories live. Discover now