Jungkook -heartbroken

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Jungkook- heartbroken:(

Tears were filling your eyes and you held your breath in your mouth while Jungkook yelled at you.

You had simply asked where he had been and he had created a mountain out of a mole hill. Of course you knew. Was he blind or just an idiot, there were even occasions where he had actually told you that he had slept with someone else. That he wasn’t coming home at night because sometimes he ‘just didn’t want to see you.’ And now he had just called you a ‘waste of space’. But you cleared your throat and wiped your eyes with your hands. ‘Don’t cry. Don’t get angry.’ You think. ‘It’s not good for the baby.’

It was Jungkooks child. But if this was the kind of person Jungkook had become then maybe it was best if the child didn’t see that. Maybe it was best if you finally plucked up the courage you had been striving for and leave. Go home. You had phoned your mother and told her of all the troubles your relationship had offered you and then you broke the news. The news which you felt bonded you to Jungkook. But you were told to do what’s best for you, and sometimes home is always best. You gave it another month. 

By then you were three months pregnant and starting to show. Not that Jungkook noticed, not that he ever looked at you. You would let him into the the apartment and he would flop on the couch and drift to slumber. You would wake up at six in the morning with your hand over your mouth, running to the bathroom and falling on your knees, being sick into the toilet bowl. You would sit there for a while, making sure you were done before wiping your mouth and brushing your teeth; walking back to the living room and noticing he had already left.

You would take medication he would never ask about and sit adoringly looking at ultrasound pictures of your baby, putting a hand over the forming bump and laugh before you realised that the cinematic romance you and Jungkook shared was lost. There was no more laughter, hand holding, walking in the park, hardly any talking, no more romantic notes, or cuddling, no kisses, no love. You didn’t want your baby to see that. And it was only when he yelled at you in the hall did you realise that this was not the best for you nor the best for your baby.

“Okay.” You nod. 

Confused, he furrowed his brow before sighing and simply brushing past you and sitting on the couch, taking his jacket off his shoulders and making himself comfortable. He hated it when you did that. When you acted like what he said didn’t bother you. But this time, his offensive comments had aided you in making up your mind.

“I’ll just stay out of your way. You can do– whatever or whoever you want.” You finish, you drop your head, hiding the relieved smile that blessed your chapped lips. He wouldn’t have to worry about you anymore. And nor you for him. Because you had decided on that September night that you were going home and you’re baby didn’t need a father like that. A father like him.

You woke up the next morning at five, clambered to the bathroom and vomited again, slumped over the toilet, you placed your head in your hands. You were sick, literally, sick of doing this alone. He should be holding your hand, telling you that you would be okay, but instead you looked over your shoulder and he was asleep. Not even wakened. You scowl, wipe your mouth, brush your teeth, flush the toilet and return to your bedroom.

Looking at your tummy you smiled, brushing a hand over it before looking to the clock. 5.48am. You pull the blanket over you and you hear Jungkook moving around in the living room. You shut your eyes and pretended to be asleep again. Your door etched open and he peaked his head in. Guilt was scribbled all over his face, he lingered there, leaning on the door handle for even minutes before a final sight left him and his head dropped. At that point, you two had something in common. You both wondered ‘what was he doing with himself.’

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