Chapter 1

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Scarlet's Pov ~

Monday Morning

Time: 8:00 am

Right now I am standing in front of my office building. It's the Pearce Industries where I got an opportunity to work as a Personal Assistant for the CEO.

So here I am in front of the entrance with so much nervousness. Totally, like there is this fluttery feeling deep inside my stomach. It is my first day and I need to get myself together to work as efficiently as I can.

I am wearing a simple dark blue A-line skirt with a plain white shirt top paired with matching blue jacket. My smooth blonde hair is tied in a high pony tail and face with a minimal makeup.

As per looks, I look descent but my current status is so not cool. My both palms are sweating and throat is being dry as hell.

My work will start from morning 9:00 and today being the first day I am early to work. I entered the building and was greeted by a beautiful young girl, standing behind the reception desk.
She maybe younger than me, I am 22 so maybe she is 20 or something.

"Good Morning Miss. How may I help you?" she asked politely with a sweet smile.

"Good Morning. I am Miss Scarlet Reeves. I am..." I was cut off by her.

"Oh Miss Reeves Welcome to Pearce Industries. You're the new Personal Secretary for Mr. Pearce, right? I was informed about you. Your office is on the 38th floor. There you will be guided by Mrs. Madeleine. She will help you out with the rest of the things." She informed and gestured towards the elevator wing.

"Thank you. Miss. may I know your name?" I asked her politely.

"Ahh ....right I am so sorry I forgot.... I'm Ava Green. And all the best, have a great day ahead." She said with a wide smile.
I nodded in response, said my thank you and bye to her. Then I moved forward to the elevator wing.

So here we go, the elevator doors were wide open for me and I stepped inside. I  pressed the 38th floor and the door was just about to close when a girl came running and waved her hand in between and the door opened again. A beautiful girl with curly blonde hair, somewhat of my age I guess came inside and she was carrying few files along with her, pressed the button for 36th floor. We both stood there to reach our respective floor and as  we are moving up simultaneously I feel more nervous. I thought to distract myself and wondered about the company, how big is this place?, How many of them must be working here?, etc.
This lift ride seriously sucks!

"Hey! Are you new here? I'm Sandra Preston." She turned to me and asked with a small nervous smile.

"Hi. I'm Scarlet Reeves and yes I am new here. It's actually my first day today." I said with a small smile.

"Oh it's my first day too. I am working as PA for Joshua Henderson. He have already assigned me with tons of work. I was told to get these files from the Accounts department but I couldn't find where it was. This place is huge and somehow I got help. But it took a a lot of time and I really need to get these files as fast as I can." She said with a sigh and I have her a reassuring pat on her bag.

"So how's it? Like...meeting your boss for the first time?" I asked her curiously. Well, right now talking with her is helping me to calm my nerves down.

"He is young and handsome, really damn nice and easy going. So far it's good. So for whom are you working for?" She was genuinely happy and I could see that. She waited curiously for my answer.

"Mr. Alexander Pearce. I'm just about to meet him." I said while letting out a breath.

"I must say, you are one lucky girl and nice to meet you Scarlet. Meet you soon. Bye" She said with joy and stepped out of the lift as she reached her floor. Next is my destination and so finally the lift stopped at the 38th floor. I took a deep breath and stepped outside of it.

I headed towards the hallway and while entering inside by opening the main door to office, I came to an abrupt stop. I saw an old lady ahead, giving lecture to one of a younger staff member. I approached her and she dismissed the staff and now all her attention was on me.

"Good Morning Madam. I'm Scarlet Reeves and I am looking for Madeleine. I'm the new Personal Secretary for Mr. Pearce." I informed her with a small smile and up close I could see that she is a very beautiful lady. She has got warm brown eyes which has wrinkles on both sides, short dark hair with a medium height and fair skin tone.

"Oh dear you came. I am Madeleine. I was waiting for you. Mr. Pearce will arrive sharp at nine. You will be informed by him about your task. I'll guide you with your work and all the other concerns so don't worry and you can approach me anytime. Okay?" She said with a very warm smile and I nodded in response.

She was just about to guide me inside when suddenly we heard the door opening. We both turned towards it and there stood out Mr. Alexander Pearce..................... My boss!   


Kind Note:

Copyright © 2016 Catheriene Xavier.

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods or in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.

Hi Everyone,

This is my New Story. Hope you all like it. Well these kinds of stories are my favorite ones which include a CEO and a Personal Secretary having an office romance. I am just trying to write one of my own.

I know the above chapter 1 is a bit boring but do not stop reading just continue it and maybe it's not like what you think ....maybe you will like it.

So please read and share your thoughts...Just msg me anytime worries. I will definitely reply to you all.

And if you like it and want some more of the story then I request you to just simply hit on the cute star which glows. That gives me a positive signal and I instantly smile.

Last but not the least.... I'll be only glad if you share my story with others too.

Sweet and simple gestures really make my day you know?

Thank you!!!


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