Looking for You Again

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Hi guys! This is a new Slexie story!I planned to have this up sooner but I was still mourning Lexie's death! I have done a story very similar to this but it's different in a few ways! This chapter is a little short but that's because it is the prologue. I will post the next chapter immediately after this one and I am currently working on a chapter! READ!ENJOY!REVIEW!

Lexie wish she would've never heard the name Seattle Grace (now known as Seattle Grace-Mercy West) Hospital. Hearing the name of that hospital had been the beginning of the end for her. It's where her mother died, it's where she'd suffered loneliness and alienation due to her dark and twisted half-sister. It's where she had almost been shot and as a result experienced extreme PTSD for a time. It's where she met Mark Sloan, had a secret relationship with him, then a normal one. Their short time of normalcy and happiness came to an abrupt end when his pregnant eighteen year old daughter showed up. They gave it another shot but that was shorter than the first time. They had recently broken up because Mark had impregnated his bisexual best friend. She couldn't face this humiliation again so she decided that she was getting the hell away from Seattle Grace-Mercy West.

After knowing that her father was well cared for by his tatted-up skank, Lexie had put in a transfer for Massachusetts General. She was able to keep things pretty quiet in regards to moving until the evening before she was set to leave. She had packed up most of her things and was finishing the last of it when Meredith came in.

"Lex, have you seen my-"Meredith stopped as she looked around the room. "What's going on?" She asked confused.

"I'm leaving." Lexie said, avoiding eye contact with Meredith.

"Did you and Mark patch things up?" Meredith asked happily. Although Meredith wasn't happy about Mark and Lexie's relationship in the beginning, it slowly grew on her and she was just okay with knowing that Mark made Lexie happy. Over the years, Meredith had realized that she couldn't see either one of them with someone else and all of this breaking up business was completely unnecessary.

"No." Lexie sighed heavily.

"So...where're you going exactly?" Meredith had a sinking feeling that her sister was about to tell her something she wasn't going to like.

"I'm sorry Mer," Lexie sighed. "You weren't supposed to find out this way."

"Lexie-" Meredith began.

"I'm going back to Boston."

"Boston!" Meredith exclaimed.

"Yes, I..." Lexie finally looked at Meredith while running a hand through her hair. "I think this is for the best."

"Is this about Mark?" Meredith asked disappointed. "You can't just run away from your problems Lexie!"

"I'm not running away. I'm just ready to leave Seattle." Even Meredith knew how bad of a liar Lexie was.

"Oh and this has nothing to do with the love of your life impregnating his best friend?" Meredith asked sarcastically.

"Meredith, please." Lexie said on the verge of tears. Meredith cringed inwardly, knowing that Lexie wasn't dealing with the news of Callie's pregnancy but she couldn't just run away like some scared little girl.

"Greys don't run from their problems, Lex." Meredith said more softly.

"I guess I'm more like dad than I thought." Lexie shrugged dejectedly.

"Don't say that," Meredith said as she walked closer to Lexie. "You're nothing like him."

"Aren't I?" Lexie challenged. "He ran away from you, I'm running away from Mark."

"Is there anything I can do to make you stay?"

"I don't think so." Lexie shook her head. Meredith looked at her intently before she enveloped Lexie in a hug.

"What're you doing?"Lexie asked taken aback.

"I'm hugging you."

"You don't do hugs." Lexie pointed out.

"You're my sister, Lexie."

"I didn't know that put me in the hugging category." She mumbled.

"Of course it does." Meredith smiled as she pulled back from the hug.

"Did you mean what you said last week?" Lexie asked suddenly. Meredith gave her a quizzical look. "When dad was at the hospital...you said you loved me." Lexie explained timidly.

"Yeah, I meant it."

"I love you Mer and you've been a good sister."

"Pfft," Meredith looked around. "I wouldn't really use the word good and stop saying it like we'll never see each other again. You're moving across the country, not dying." Meredith laughed.

"Yeah, I know."

"You better call when you can and Maybe Derek and I will come out to see you and when you're ready you can come home for the holidays."

"I don't know about that but it's nice to know you'd come to Boston."

"Of course I would," Meredith smiled. "You need some help packing?"

"Sure." Lexie nodded as she returned the smile. She and Meredith laughed and talked until they had finished packing; this is one thing Lexie would miss terribly-spending time with her big sister.

A few days later...

"I'm so excited that I get to be there from the beginning this time." Mark told Derek excitedly as they sat inside Derek's office.

"I wish I had your fertility." Derek commented.

"I'm sorry man," Mark said, clapping Derek on the shoulder. "Is this too hard to talk about?"

"No," Derek smiled at his best friend. "I'm happy for you. I finally get to be a godfather. How's Arizona taking all of this?"

"She's dealing," Mark shrugged. "Unlike some people I know." He added bitterly.

"Mark," Derek began. "It was just too much for her."

"What happened to being there for me? If she really loved me, she would've stuck around this time," He said acidly. "Where is she anyways? I haven't seen her in days. Is she hiding out at home?" Mark asked, trying not to be concerned but failing miserably.

"Nobody...told you," Derek realized. "I thought you knew."

"Knew what?" Mark asked confused.

"She left," Derek said cautiously. "She transferred to Mass. Gen."

"She...she left." Mark said slowly, trying to process Derek's words. Derek knew Mark would never admit it but he could see the heartbreak written all over his face.

A month and a half later...

These had to be the longest five minutes of Lexie's life. She kept reading the box in her trembling hands over and over again, even though there was no need. Her photographic memory had burned the words into her brain. 1. Urinate on stick. 2. Wait five minutes for test results.3. Pregnant or Not Pregnant will be displayed on window. She waited impatiently, letting her worries get the best of her. She prayed that she wasn't pregnant; everything had been going great. She had gotten a one bedroom apartment, adjusted to living in Boston again; she had a promising future at Mass. Gen., and had even reconnected with some of her friends from medical school. Everything had been fine until she started vomiting last week and hadn't started her period on time; and her period was never late. Her ruminations were interrupted by the beeping of her cell phone, indicating that the five minutes were up. She cautiously stepped towards the counter and picked up the test with unsteady hands. There it was, that one little word that confirmed her fears-PREGNANT. She was pregnant. She was pregnant with Mark Sloan's baby and she was on the other side of the country. Her life had just gotten a shitload more complicated.

Well that's the beginning! Please let me know what you think! Off to proof-read and post the next chapter!

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