Chapter 1

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• A Girls Gonna Do What She wants •


Doin It well Or Wrong

Chapter one :

Erin rolled her eyes as she seen her girlfriend technically calling her phone for the 20th time in 20 minutes .

" Yes Lai "?! Erin questioned as she tied the yellow strings to her bikini .

" Six is gonna kill you ", Laila laughed " he is pissed that you went to Puerto Rico without asking ".

" look Lai , I understand you the submissive one and does whatever that nigga says .. But I ain't you . Erin Santos does whatever she wants . Besides he wouldn't have let me go no way without the both of y'all ". Erin sucked her teeth .

" Okay Erin , I get that you the hard headed one but you could at least pick up when he calls ". Laila begged as she chuckled . Being as though Erin was younger than her by 4 years , and she had been with Six longer than Erin .. She still tried to give tips and make sure Erin did what she had to do to keep their relationship running smoothly . Because once Six was mad at one , he was mad at the other for not talking the other out of it .

" I'll think about it Mama , but for right now I'm gonna enjoy my 7 day vacation & I'll see y'all when I touch back down in Newyork ".

" alright boo , be safe . Love you ".

" love you too ". Erin said as she pressed the end button on her iPhone 6s .

Many people on the outside looking in turned their nose up at the trio and the polyamory relationship . But secretly wished their women or their men were down with the shit they were into . But Erin loved her relationship , it was different & at the tender age of 23 she was cool with it for now but not for a life time thing . Truth was Erin was the newbie in Laila and Six's relationship . She was introduced to the relationship by Laila who said she wanted another female in her relationship with her man , at first Erin turned it down completely but when they laid her down in the bedroom it was all she wrote from there . The two women had their alone time with Six , he treated them equally & they receive the same gifts but different colors or styles .

Taking her mind off her relationship , Erin focused on enjoying her time away with her friend Chelsea .

" girl I still can't believe your man hogging ass is sharing a man & have been for a year ".

" I know .. Don't knock it til your try it tho ". Erin grinned as she pulled her white knitted cover up on .

" If six could see you now .. He would fuck you up ". Chelsea instigated .

" well is six here ? Okay then bitch .. Let's go to the beach ".


Six chopped it up with the boys on the block as they clowned him about his relationship .

" you got one on a leash .. But that Erin ? She's a hot girl ". Is what they told him and he agreed . That Erin did whatever she wanted to do , she was the feisty , misbehaved one .

" I heard she done flew out to Puerto Rico for the week ".

" yeah she did , did the shit right underneath my nose ". But in actuality it wasn't right underneath his nose at all .. She put that pussy on him and knocked his ass out cold .

" what Laila saying ? I know she done harassed the girl to come back ".

" Yeah but Mama does what she wants on the real so I guess I'll catch her ass when she get back ". Six said shaking his head as he chuckled .

Doin It Well .. Or wrong ?Where stories live. Discover now