What you and they are

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This is important to the story because it tells you what kind of Faunas you and they are

Yang=Indomonus Rex (Jurrassic World)


Weiss=Saber tooth tiger




Coco=Staraptor (Pokemon)

Phyrra=Typosion (Pokemon)

Nora=Garchomp (Pokemon)

Neo=Starfish (only people who watch spongebob will get this)

Cinder=Charazard (Pokemon)


Glynda=Alakazam (Pokemon)

Penny=Metacross (Pokemon)

They have the abilities of the animal that they are and there also Yandere and for some they can grow to be GINORMOUS "cough cough" Yang "cough cough" and some can mega evolve you also have super strength that can rival that of the hulks when angry flight slight super speed and the ability to control elements because you're a Dragon your wings and tail are your favorite color and your weapon is a pair of mini-gun Guatlets that shoot dust and Nora has grachomps wing fin things and instead of the little tips on the end her wings she has hands also tell me if you want some of the guys as girls and what type of Faunas you want them to be I'll update tomorrow bye😊

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