-the murderer-

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"what the hell? oh my god! AHHHHH!!!!" screams Aerial. 

"SHUT UP OR ELSE I'M GONNA KILL YOU" says -the murderer-

"AHH! HELP! HELP! ANDREWW!!!!" says Aerial in serious desperation.

"DUDE SHUTTUP! IM PLAYING CALL OF DUTY!" answers Andrew in frustration.

"oh my godddd!!! please don't do this!" Begs Aerial.

-the murderer- starts to get his knife out and grabs Aerial's arm.

He starts to slice her shoulder off and as he is doing that Aerial is crying and is panicing more than ever. Little by little, -the murderer- starts to chop each little body part off, of her and puts it in a medium sized childrens chest. -the murderer- Quickly covers up his traces and then runs out to the countryside. He throws the childrens chest with the body parts inside of it into a river and runs away.

-the murderer-Where stories live. Discover now