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˚+.・゚+。+゚・. +˚

First Person POV

Young Seokjin watches the crowd dance around the ballroom. As the orchestra played the music, he hums along the rhythm.

"Have you seen anything so wonderful in your life you don't want to forget?" His mom asks him while he was still watching the crowd.

"I do. These people look... happy. But it's missing something." Seokjin's smile turned into a frown as he sat down next his mom.

"Seokjin, want to dance with me?" One of Seokjin's cousins approached to him as she grabs him by the hands to pull himself off the chair.

"Oh uhh, I don't know if I—" he pulls his hands off of her while he was interrupted by his father, who approached to him. "Father, is something the matter?"

"I told your cousin Dinah to ask you to dance with her." Dinah nods her head.

"But sir, I-I'm not a great dancer. I'm stiff." The girl said as the boys walked in and followed her around.

"I can help you. We'll practice like we do when we were little, you remember?" Dinah grabs his hand.

"You've been acting so down lately, even your speech sound like you're feeling down." His father looks straight at his face as Seokjin did the same.

"I-I'm sorry father. I don't feel right. I feel like something's missing. I'll go dance with Dinah, like you said." Seokjin then follows his cousin Dinah to the ballroom. "Dinah, ever feel like there's something missing?"

"Depends on what you mean, missing." She grumbled.

"I don't think a prince like me is supposed to feel this way."

"Does it have to do with that pendant your mom and dad gave you? And why is it pink?"

"Hey, just because I'm a boy doesn't mean I can't like a color that is specifically for girls. When did pink become a 'girls only' color?" Jin scolds as Dinah rolled eyes at one of Seokjin's friends. "Is something wrong?"

"Someone I don't want to see is here." She grumbled as she walks away from her cousin. Jimin, Seokjin mumbled and walked right where he was. He waited until Jimin finished dancing with his partner.

"She's not glad to see me."

"She's still upset about that kiss. A ten year old shouldn't be chasing around a thirteen year old for a kiss."

"You can say that again." Jimin scoffs as Seokjin turns around and saw two other boys with Dinah. "Plus, I turned eleven last month."

"Who the heck are those two boys with Dinah?" Seokjin looks at Dinah communicating to the two boys but have no idea what they're saying.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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