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Listen to me, more so read me. Read what it is I have to say, think long about it and decide where to go from here.

I know, I know, that I cannot make you feel better. I know that I can't fix you and that I can't ask you to change, but what I don't think you understand is that I don't want you to change. I want you how you are, I want you now. I don't want someone who's trying to spare me from pain, I want the pain that comes with this. I'm not scared, of you hurting me. Hurting someone is inevitable it will happen no matter what. I am okay with being hurt, I will adapt and adjust so you don't need to worry about me. I know you don't love yourself or feel like you're good for me, but you are. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You accept me no matter how insane I am, you never ask me to change who I am. You are good, you are wonderful and you are magnificent. Yes, I will admit that you do bad stuff, but that doesn't change anything. I do bad things all the time, but yet you still think I'm a good person (I hope?). Just because you do bad things doesn't mean we need to break up. You're hurting, I'm hurting and neither of our hearts wants us to do this. I know that you said you're doing this because you aren't confident and don't think our relationships success rate is high , and honestly I know exactly where you're coming from because I feel that way too but I think we can actually go somewhere. I don't really know how to explain it, we have an infinite amount of time and chances for this to go somewhere. The main thing we need for this relationship to be successful is communication and I can promise that I'll start communicating more. I don't think you understand but I'm willing to do basically anything at this point.

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