Today I'm at the set of teen beat magazine I am super duper excited
So I'm in the dressing room getting ready after the make up artist finished I change into a light pink dress
And heels after that I changed I sat back down and the lady that does my hair is doing it and while she is doing it
My photographer told me I'm getting a poster in the magazine . You know like when you buy the magazine it has posters of celebrity's on them
I'm going to be on one of them so after she finished my hair I walked on set and posed and different posses the photographer was telling me which one to do
1 hour later we were finished and I looked at all the photos and I told the photographer which one I liked and told him to send me a pic from the shoot
After that I went back to the dressing room and went on tumblr and posted the ( pic above) with the caption " I'm so excited I have a poster inside of the new teen beat magazine you guys should totally check it out - Selena 💋 "
After that I changed into my regular clothes and headed out to Taylor's house cause we
Are having a sleepover.
Tumblur c.d
RomanceA famous Tumblur girl get followed by a super cute guy but little does she knows he is gonna be the love of her life .