Feelings for me ?

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Jc ? You can't be serious ! Why wouldn't i choose Jen ? Why would i choose you ? Yes i wanted to get her jealous but mostly I wanted to give you pleasure . He winks at you . *your face turns all colors* Sam walks over. Jc you're not gonna make it better by talking to her ; (no offense) Thats all i had to say , Bye .

Hey Teala wait up ! Where are you guys going ? Just to meet up with Kian and Andrea. Oh ok , I'll stay here with the other guys and talk to Ricardo . Ricardo is your ex ! I know but i'll be fine . Ok , she says a she walks away.

Hey Ricardo ! Oh now you talk to me ? Being and ex doesn't mean any- *he interrupts you* thing , unless you still have feelings for the person ! *you are shocked* WHAT !?!? You heard me, i still like you and i just can't get over you. Wow Ricardo , that's not healthy. Ha ! *he says in sarcasm* Since when was i ever healthy ! *he gets up and walks away*

Hey Connor ! He asks you a strange question... How did the vampire bite feel ? Ha Ha very funny . I wasn't laughing ! Oh gosh , Connor listen i like you , you ! Ok ? Yeah yeah i know ; It wasnt a purpose thing. Ricardo walks back in, YOU LIKE HIM ?!?!?

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