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...God spared not the angels who sinned

but cast them down to hell,

and delivered them into chains of darkness,

to be reserved unto judgement

-2 Peter 2:4


December 1731

"Samantha my dear. You're too naive. Do you even have the slightest clue as to what you're doing?" The low growl of my commander's voice was intimidating, but if I show a trace of fear he'll torture me to no ends. He'll cut my throat out without any remorse. I need to stay alive.

"You think I'm an idiot don't you? I really appreciate the way you think of me sir,but honestly I think i'm capable of making my own decisions." I smirked to myself for keeping my cool under his hateful gaze, but my mouthy remark earned me a backhand to the face. The crushing impact his force had on me made me shudder in pain. His face twisted into a dark pit of anger as he slowly brought his hand up to my outer left thigh. The more his hand climbed the more the gold blood spilled. He ripped and tore at my flesh easily. The pain tied my stomach in knots as I released a blood curdling scream.

This maniac.

This maniac.

This maniac.

"My beautiful Samantha. My lovely gorgeous Samantha. If it wasn't for that spark of yours I would have killed you by now. You're scum to me darling. I'll let you rot in this place those vermin up there call Hell."

I didn't speak a word after that. I bit my bottom lip turned on my heel and strode off. There were screams. Screams everywhere.

Heaven Kisses HellWhere stories live. Discover now